First of all, I have to say I have been a fan of both Husker football and basketball since I was a little kid. I didn't get the chance to go to Husker basketball games like I did football games when I was little; however, during college in the late Moe & early Neebasketball era, I was a fixture at the basketball games. I want to get everyone's opinion on these questions as I have done a lot of thinking over the last year about where my excitement concerning Husker sports is directed towards. I think Tim Miles is setting the standard for how coaches at Nebraska need to handle their program, players and COACHING STAFF. I don't want to be critical of any Husker coaches; however, with the great basketball fans on this board, I wonder if Husker basketball unseats Husker football as the sport you are most passionate about @ Nebraska or if Husker football still is #1 overall.