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Everything posted by atskooc

  1. Welp…
  2. I’m getting Jammal Lord vibes from Sims. He’s a strong safety playing QB.
  3. I’m in the same boat with my number.
  4. The AC in half of my school went out on Monday. It was 90 degrees in the teachers lounge on Tuesday afternoon. Not good. Not good at all.
  5. This is how I’d bet it as well.
  6. There are people who still believe he died decades ago. Some people are idiots.
  7. This was sent to me today from a work colleague. Pretty funny.
  8. The Kentucky Headhunters have a great version of this one.
  9. The answer to all of your questions is money.
  10. The thread title should be changed to "Ahron Ulis is N trouble."
  11. Because it was an exhibition game?
  12. Tornadoes don’t exist. Chuck Norris just hates trailer parks. *15 years too late, I know.
  13. Shut it down. We’re done for the day.
  14. The league had severe problems the second USC and UCLA announced their departures.
  15. Sam is a lot of fun! He makes some great stuff!
  16. His knees point inward. I don't like that for his health.
  17. Because he wants to get into coaching?
  18. This is one I rediscovered a couple years ago. It gets stuck in my head all the time.
  19. This is closer to the time when he was of the age when he could legally have sex with 17-year-olds. And well before he wrote songs about having sex with 13-year-olds. So there’s that.
  20. Navin: I didn’t see your “twist” post earlier, so I didn’t quite understand why people were naming other songs by one-hit wonder acts. Sorry for my confusion.
  21. Being a one-hit wonder says nothing about the talent level or greatness of a band or artist. It literally means they have one hit on the Billboard Hot 100 chart (generally speaking, a “hit” can be defined as a song that makes the top 40, though that’s not a definite). Or it can mean they are only remembered for one song (as is the case for the artists you’ve listed, evidenced by the fact you can’t remember the names of some of the songs). Just because you can name a bunch of Devo songs and they’re important in the history of pop music doesn’t mean they’re not a one-hit wonder. Buffalo Springfield is technically (for lack of a better word) a one-hit wonder, and they’re in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Just because a group releases a “Greatest Hits” album doesn’t mean they’re not a one-hit wonder (or that they had many hits at all…or any). It merely means they think they can resell the same songs to their audience on a different record. Heck, Weird Al had put out TWO greatest hits albums ten years before his one and only top-10 hit.
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