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Everything posted by jdw

  1. Did hear them right Saint John's has 18 turnovers.
  2. It just came on. The woman aren't done yet.
  3. Someone needs to fix this.
  4. I've got whisky, wings and basketball starting in 10 minutes; life is good.
  5. If you offer a hundred thousand more than the other team the scholarship doesn't matter. If your collective is run right you no longer have scholarship limits.
  6. Scholarship doesn't matter if you have enough nil
  7. This is the longest it has ever taken me to decide which button to hit. I went with up arrow but wish I could hit multiple.
  8. Had some star beef today and fuck cancer. Wish you all the best.
  9. Isn't Keita's problem a foot not a knee.
  10. It has nothing to do with what you do it's who you play for.
  11. You joined in 2012, as a Wisconsin this is a long played troll.
  12. What is amazing is we lost 3 of these games
  13. The only explanation I can come up with is they are all hung over
  14. I only have but one up vote to give.
  15. Valentine makes Joe West seem modest.
  16. This is what living under a communist regime must feel like, and f#ck ted valentine, lower case on purpose. F#CK HIM.
  17. This game was lost at the Valentine line
  18. If you make every shot they can't get offensive rebounds, lets do that.
  19. Section 105 row 23 seats 10,11,12 are open tonight if anyone wants to move down
  20. Nebraska's director of basketball oops buzzy carothers.
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