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Everything posted by ShortDust

  1. I love these, even if we are a long shot, they are always interesting.
  2. 8 wins 1. OSU 2. MSU 3. Wis 4. Iowa 5. Indiana 6. Ill 7. Mich 8. Minn 9. Neb 10. Purdue 11. Penn 12. NW
  3. Anybody going anywhere to watch this one?
  4. I think you have to be on scholarship to count towards the APR Was just saying what I read from Robin... I'm not quite sure either, but just figured I'd toss it out there.
  5. The mid-season transfer things has me thinking after he takes a visit here, he will transfer here.
  6. Well he helps out the teams APR for the upcoming years. I read that the Gregg Whittington could possible be eligible sooner than people think. All depends on whether or not he is able to use a medical hardship for this year.
  7. He states that he wants to get out of the east coast area. I like that we have ties to him already and Hunter has already been out to visit him. I think it will come down to us and Memphis. I'm guessing we will know by early January at the latest where he goes.
  8. I know I'll be loud in my section, but those people around me that get annoyed by me can deal with it. I was calm for Saturdays game, they got their break. Ps anyone meeting anywhere before game? I plan to have a few before to get even more riled up.
  9. Is he interested in following kenya here?
  10. I'm going with 17
  11. I'm going to go with 2 Smalls 1 Medium Shrinking material? If so I may have to adjust my sizes as I'm a little guy, but not that little.
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