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Husker Hoops Penitent

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Everything posted by Husker Hoops Penitent

  1. Hoiberg seemed sincere about wanting to coach at NU for a long time. With his family history that isn't far fetched. As for Lat Mayen, he performed well enough at the Dallas Juco Blowout that he was the first mentioned in the article below. I hope NU could land him, and possibly fellow ranked Juco, Mading, as well as Kai Sotto or Frank Anselem, Alex Tchikou, Zach Clements or Wilhelm Breidenbach. We need two-three big guys who can block and alter shots as well as play the Hoiberg needs them to (shooting effectively). Does anyone know who the last couple of scholarship candidates are most likely to sign, or are there others more likely? https://www.jucorecruiting.com/news_article/show/1055191
  2. If Abdelmassih and co. can land Kai Sotto, good grief!
  3. I think next year's starters are: Mack, Burke, Allen, Stevenson and Ouedraogo with Banton and Cross playing as many, or more minutes. Green too, will see major minutes provided he is reinstated. (I still like his game and personality a lot). That is eight players right there. We will have a Senior in Thorbjarnarson and a veteran bruiser from the S.E.C. in Walker- who is an unknown quantity at this stage. Lincoln's own D. Williams has fantastic potential as well. I'm think we might see Arop transfer simply based on the limited minutes available, though I have no special information, especially since I see Easley getting better and being very productive. Perhaps, as khoock said, an incoming impact transfer may be an answer to fill the final spot. I also agree that one needn't have a traditional seven-footer to be a great team though Hoiberg and Coach A. seem to have some traction with some big, highly-skilled post players, though most are in the 6'10"- 6'11" range. A legitimate shot-blocker with natural scoring ability would put this team on the map, surely.
  4. Agreed that next year's roster will be difficult to satisfy but that is why they went out and hired a master coach. NU will have a surplus of good players for once- what a problem to have! I think getting a big man (a skilled seven-footer would be grand, but I'd gladly take a skilled freshman in the 6'10" range. Either Anselem or Tchikou would be great. Then follow up with Sallis and another big man (Clemence or Breidenbach) and they should be set.
  5. In keeping with the comments above: where do the minutes go next year given Hoiberg's proclivity to play eight men rotations? Side note: does he tend to play eight man rotations because having quality depth is rare, or is it more a philosophy? Would like to hear from the sages on this board what the line-ups might look like next year drawing from the current twelve scholarship players scheduled to return. Cam Mack Teddy Allen Dashon Burke Shameil Stevenson Kevin Cross Yvan Ouedraogo Jervay Green Donovan Williams Thorir Thorbjarnarson Delano Banton Derrick Walker Akol Arop plus quality walk-on Charlie Easley.
  6. God be praised! (and I love Abdelmassih and Hoiberg more every day).
  7. 0-20 here we come. I guess it will be a tragi-comic referent Hoiberg can look back on in several years as a way of marking progress, much like Baylor after the Bliss firing.
  8. To the Husker community, and 49r in particular- I meant no harm by starting a new thread and will try to participate more in current threads. I must confess a weakness for Husker outbursts of that nature. As for my obsession with Allen, it definitely is that, and quite likely unhealthy. Consider it a form of P.T.S.D. at seeing the rare few local players who could likely reverse the trend of Husker basketball's historic underachievement sign with other schools. But I will go one step further: the whole notion of a fifty-four year old man caring about the on-court results of late-teen-early twenty year old men I don't know, playing a game I never played competitively is weird. As for the oblique intimations that I am a troll are unfounded. I'm quite sure I would score in the upper 80th percentile in any reasonable survey of Husker basketball history, but as I am not as seasoned as 49r in message board protocols it seems fair to assume. That said, now go get Teddy Allen!
  9. I would be surprised if there isn't another player who transfers by the end of the year, at least. When Coaches with Hoiberg's ability and expectations field a team this bad, or perhaps "incomplete" yet there are scholarship players who don't see playing time it usually portends roster upheaval. I have always used Kansas as the measure of a healthy program. I can't recall ever seeing a scholarship freshman non-contributor stick around more than a couple of years before transferring- usually they leave after their forgettable freshman season. Scholarships are golden and if one aims for real success then seeing a man perpetually riding the bench is alarming. I am not saying improvement through the years isn't to be expected but rarely does anyone go from next to no minutes as freshmen on a bad team to any kind of large contribution in the next couple of years. I certainly can't recall any at NU- perhaps someone else does. Nevertheless an example cited likely proves the "rule" In addition to (hopefully) Teddy Allen, NU needs two great re-bounders next season to make significant improvement so Curtis' defection may be viewed as addition by subtraction. Now we'll see if Abdelmassih is worth the high salary. (I think he is but the verdict is out....)
  10. I love the Huskers win or lose (and this year will be mainly losses). In my estimation the season was lost when Stevenson was not eligible. With him this team would likely be in most games. As it stands I doubt they win more than two conference games, and possibly zero. This season reminds me of Bill McCartney's first year with Colorado. He loudly declared he was going to commit to option football, and even though he didn't have the right personnel he showed the football world he was serious by running option football. The recruits enamored by option football came and he made history.... Hoiberg needs another year, and hopefully they will upgrade to a full, balanced roster of his type of players. I think two players on the eleven deep roster will leave, thereby freeing two scholarships. Two of which need to go to Big Ten caliber rebounders. Then they can get the ball to Teddy Allen and watch the victories pile up. As for this year, keep a sense of humor....
  11. Agree, colhusker, but I think there will be one defection in the off season which will make room for a legitimate rebounder. My reason is because it is necessary.
  12. Agreed, hsker4life. It might be "the" issue but I think Hoiberg has the acumen to navigate through the possible pitfalls. Kids with big egos present different challenges but can be worth the investment. They (stars) also need to know how wanted they are. With that said I hope the rumors are true that the staff has already reached out to him. We don't want punks like Kansas oozing in.... Hoiberg has had to manage Derrick Rose so he understands how to work with egoists with world-class talent. Trust me, Teddy Buckets is headed to league regardless the college he chooses next. He might as well be mentored by one of the best minds/shooters in the game.
  13. and especially the Huskers for forty-two long, long years now. And I state unequivocally that should NU not move Heaven and earth to get Teddy Allen then something is deeply wrong. I haven't seen anyone more deadly. I saw Woolridge, Strickland, Alvin Mitchell, and the phenom. Jerry Johnson who started on the wing at KU in Larry Brown's last season. He is every bit as good as all of them, and none of them the possess the type of scoring aptitude he has. If he "behaves" at his next school he will be in the NBA in two years. Someone recently said his game is like Adrian Dantley's. I completely agree. He understands where he should be on the court and uses his bulk and strength to great effect. Gifts one can't teach, and his court awareness and basketball understanding is first-class. Here's hoping Hoiberg and Abdelmassih reach out and employ Jervay Green to host. Guys like him don't show up in one's backyard too often.
  14. Well spotted: Nebrasketball1979- rather than punish the guilty (N. Carolina) they take it out on athletes like Stevenson. At least there is some consistency in the world. Once again the NCAA demonstrates its commitment to working against the interests of decent, young athletes. They never waver. They should be proud.
  15. The stats are underwhelming but any time offers from Oregon, Florida, UConn, Kansas and Kentucky (showing interest) I think it is safe to consider a prospect as likely adding quite a bit of value to NU, particularly if he is legitimately 6"11- which has yet to be confirmed, by the way. If NU was to sign Donovan Williams and Mading- or another big man, would they need to vacate a spot to fill for Teddy Allen, if he were interested? And if so, who might be the person "asked to look at a school which better fits him"?
  16. I think he is worth the risk, and more importantly it looks like Coach Hoiberg might think so too. He has NBA talent- something Hoiberg can help him develop.
  17. Sorry about that, I will post in the appropriate area in the future. Thanks for the head's up.
  18. That is rockin' good news! Really hope they land him.
  19. player regardless of position- such that it is- recruit next year. I think he should make a hard charge at Teddy Allen, despite his off-court problems. This guys is special. He has NBA size and his ability to score is startling. I think he could be as prolific, or even more so than James Palmer Jr., especially in Hoiberg's system. Yes, he should find one of the following players with size: at least someone with size: Mading, Tchicou, Anselem, Breidenbach or Clemence. Any of the aforementioned would be wonderful. Two would make me ecstatic about the near future. Despite the problems Allen has put himself in I think a cool-headed Hoiberg could remind him that in a scant four years at Iowa State he sent fully ten players to the NBA, and many more to overseas professional gigs. Curious what some of you think?
  20. Kansas can pound sand. Hopefully the N.C.A.A. will cripple them w/ sanctions. Think about that, Mr. Sallis.
  21. Appreciate both responses. I agree I'd much rather see Drago for a full career than Johnson for one. Question to OmahaHusker: what makes you think Sallis will leave the state? (I always think a potential star will leave, by the way!)
  22. I think this team will be the least successful in modern NU history. Green and Mack were right about the rebounding and it will only get worse as the quality of teams improves. The team's chance at being decent this year ended when the seven footer, Jace Johnson chose Marquette over NU. There were a couple other whiffs on post players- what is it about NU and the lack of inside players? It shocks me that Hoiberg thought the team had a chance to be good without being able to rebound.... Nevertheless, I will stand with the Huskers this year despite the likelihood of going through the conference winless. Yes we should have a chance to knock off Northwestern on March 1 in Lincoln. My primary worry is how this might impact recruiting. I hope the awfulness of this year's squad doesn't scare off Sallis, and the other highly rated post players considering NU. I'm an old man who has been supporting NU in vain for decades so the transition from the recruiting season which opened with some promise quickly transforms into that horrible, sinking feeling many of us know too well.
  23. Regarding the N.C.A.A., there is one comfort which can be taken: the certainty and ease of finding gainful employment should a person fall on hard times. For qualifications one needs only to be alive. Being stupid and sanctimonious ensures a fast ascent....
  24. Wanted to add that Clemence, Breidenbach and the local young man, Jasen Green all would be high-end additions to the team in the next couple of years. I am glad Green has been extended his first offer by NU because his ceiling is limitless. Fantastic game- he plays like a veteran. Versatile and smooth as glass.... Coach A. needs to land him as Sallis.
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