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  1. First off the guy is still the coach. You would make him and you look bad by wishing farewell and "thanks for the memories". Second off, if anyone should make a sign of thankfulness, it should be him to you and I for enduring his tenure and this poor ending. 15,000 strong in the PBA.
  2. If he's retained what does it look like? A lot like it does this year, disappointing and consistent with his career record. You have a .500 coach producing .500 teams that can't win big games and don't make meaningful post season. My personal opinion is that you can have decent talent and it won't translate under Miles. He just is not a winner. Way more stats back that up then don't.
  3. Creighton actually is a bigger game than our conference games for many other reasons. The biggest one is that it is the first clear sign for the fans of this state which program is better than the other in a given year. Then, a coach's record over a bigger sample (like 7 years) is a clear indicator of if his program has exceeded Creighton's over time. The great and bad thing about having Creighton around is that it's an accurate barometer of the state of NU's program. Mile's has been abysmal at beating them, and sure enough the cracks in the program are now so bad that it all makes sense. If Miles were 5-2 against Creighton over 7 years, he'd probably still have a job in 2 weeks. Not because of his record vs Creighton, but because if you had a program capable of 5-2, you probably wouldn't be in the position you're in right now. We should, at the very minimum, beat Creighton 50% of the time. There is no reason for their dominance over us. We have better a opportunity to build a program than they do, not the other way around.
  4. Nobody said he was a terrible coach. I don't think that's true. Good head coaches in D1 are ultimately judged by their ability to win. He will be lucky to hold a career .500 record at NU when he is done. He only beat McDermott once in 7 years. He did not earn his paycheck. Period. No need to go to the extreme and accuse anyone of calling him terrible. He's below average, and that won't cut it for 2.5 million. Bring us the next guy.
  5. I'd agree that it may be opine to the question of the assistants being the reason for our lack of player development if we had had consistency in assistants over the past 7 years. But, as you're likely aware, another thing Miles has done a poor job of is retaining a coaching staff. The only consistency that has been here in the past 7 years in Miles. Sometimes the most common denominator is the most logical conclusion.
  6. It's obviously not "piling on". There is still a decision to debate regarding if the coach stays or not. In making such a decision his track record of player development is what is in question, and if he has failed to meet expectations on that is an OPINION for anyone making a judgement. This year is just the latest example. Miles has accepted the money contracted and profited immensely attempting to get a job done that includes winning and developing talent. The opinion of most on this board is that he has failed. If you asked Miles, he'd probably tell you otherwise, that's his opinion. It's not all about "falling apart this year", it's about falling apart year-over-year while we all support the program. We deserve a better value for our money as fans.
  7. We can point to many shortcomings under Miles, but probably the biggest thing for me is the lack of developing players. I just stick to this year's roster so that I don't fill up 2 pages with one post: 1) Watson - if there's been any improvement in the past 2 seasons, I'd have to get very creative to see it. Basically, we are getting a shell-shocked version of a pretty decent PG from 2016. Miles has not developed more shot to his game or better field general-ness at all. Close to the same guy he was 2 years ago. 2) Palmer - Miles never developed a mid range or 3 point shot improvement. Great going to the hole, but again, same player as last year or regression possibly. Great coaches round out the game of a guy like this and he could have been NBA material. Now, he'll be riding the pine in Norway or something developing the game he should have in college. 3) Allen - At times, I thought I had seen improvement, but that was false. Close to same guy as last year. 4) Big man et al - I don't even want to say anything here, that's how atrocious his development of any big man has ever been. Can I give an F- on the final exam? 5) Roby - See# 4. Very little true development. No improvement of his shot, post moves or mentality. This one is shocking to me. Dear Michael Jacobsen- You're smarter than we thought you were. Not a bad choice. Let's get somebody in here who can be a complete coach.
  8. I have to admit, after reading some posts calling Roby "gutless" and speculating that Palmer didn't want to take the court is completely unwarranted and unfair. Most importantly, it is looking past the problem. We have seen a .500 basketball team over the past 7 years, and we're still blaming players? There is only one common denominator over the past 7 years, and he's making 2.5 million dollars to not perform. There's nothing wrong with hiring a mid-major guy, if you are good enough to identify the right one. Bill Self was a mid-major coach, Dana was a mid-major coach, Tubby Smith was a mid-major coach. The problem comes when you hitch your wagon to a .500 coach at Colorado State and expect great things here. Tim Miles can't win consistently, he's just not that good. I knew it several years ago, and it will prove itself out very soon. The circus show of the tweets, the podcast comments, the comedy routine, the quality players transferring out, and now these ridiculous benchings is just icing on the cake. What was that supposed to prove? You thought that you had the team prepared to win outside of Palmer and Roby just not playing hard? Please, this is just not acceptable and none of you should place your blame on players. This is the product of a poor coach and program, that's where your criticism should be.
  9. It's not wayyyy out of proportion at all. He spoke his mind, and it is a childish, but worse, a disrespectful thing to say to any fan, like myself, that has shelled out of his funds to support the program. In about 3 weeks, he will have ripped all of us off (no better or worse than Riley did) for being overpaid and underperforming. Sorry, but you deserve no pass to wiggle off of the hook if you let it slip during an interview. The truth from his own statement is that the money grab reduces the hot seat to not be so hot. Wish I would have known that before I bought my 13th consecutive season tickets. It's just damn maddening and disappointing to believe in this anymore.
  10. I am sad and disappointed. Partially just because we have completely squandered what should have been at least a tournament team. But in the last couple days, I'll add some major disappointment to the list for the feelings of our coach. As I traveled to and from the game yesterday, I really started questioning what I'm doing. Mile's comments about the hot seat not being so hot because he'll still be a millionaire have really caused me some anger. Not because it isn't true, clearly it is, but because it shows his lack of respect for the fan's investment in the program. Normal guys like me make a dent in his disposable income to choose to support the program that he runs. For him to make light of his excessive fortune that will increase with his buyout is downright offensive. When I came home from the military, I was able to get a job that paid 45K, which I was thankful for. When I was let go after 5 years, I was paid a 2 weeks severance. I was let go due to a lack of work, not for performing below expectations. I really had to scrap to keep stuff going, but I managed. Mile's will be fired because he didn't perform his job at an acceptable level. In doing so, he will be paid 2.5 million dollars on top of the wealth he has acquired here and we have indirectly helped pay for. To throw this in our face should anger us all, not just those of us who don't make 6-figure incomes. The comments were his true feelings. Sure afterwards, he put out an apology of sorts, but that was damage control. I really don't mean to make this personal, but you can all see I'm at my wits end with this program and it's coach. To be so blatantly inconsiderate and slap me in the face as a fan makes me sad.
  11. It's getting to that point again. Just not seeing the progress we'd expect after 7 years. Time we all move on and bring in the next guy we want to gamble on.
  12. Hoping we're all spot on here. Need Roby in 2020
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