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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. You. Win. The. Internet. WELL DONE!
  2. Noooo... I’m starting to believe. Why!?!? Why!?!?
  3. You'd have to think that any games not picked up by regular TV for Nebby will be picked up by BTN. I also think that all of our games will probably be at PBA since we are host team and that'll probably sell the most tickets.... if they do end up selling them.
  4. As much as I hate the Blue Turds... I feel for any players that go through this. Sucks.
  5. New article up from Robin! Unfortunately OSU, Colorado St, and Cleveland St pulled out. Other 8 are still in. Looking to add two more “quality” mid-majors though a power 6 team will NOT be added.
  6. We reallllllllllly getting close to the seasons start. Would imaging MTE teams would travel in the next 14-15 days. Scheduled, you’d think, would be wrapped up soon.
  7. Honestly-- we're the laughingstock of the conference right now. We made such a stink about playing and have laid two duds. It's ridiculous.
  8. It’s statements like these that always make me wonder how much the person *realllllly looked into our roster or if they just looked at what we lost.
  9. Knowing the Big 10– it’ll probably be “no bubble tournaments hosted by a Big 10 school.”
  10. Wait-- so there will be a B1G/ACC men's challenge, but NO women's challenge?
  11. *Pending Big 10 approval that they’ll let Nebraska athletics perform in a sporting event.
  12. Kevin Warren: *Kicks Crystal Ball* "Nothing to see here"
  13. Not going to lie, I thought this said "he'll take their shorts" and I was like....
  14. Jon Rothstein had a concerning tweet about all early season tournaments being cancelled. I hope that's not the case because I am looking forward to Nebraska hosting!
  15. This is also true-- it's a lot easier to click and be around each other at 22-4 or even 0-0 than it is at 4-22.
  16. This is half the battle with a new team sometimes. So this is excellent to hear.
  17. Woo Boy-- It's hunting season for backdoor recruiting! Wonder what the transfer list will look like in the spring?
  18. Man-- the way that this is shaking out, we're going to be one of the bottom level teams Ken Pom wise. I think we'll be pretty competitive this year.
  19. Do you own a Tar Heels shirt?
  20. Maybe you luck out and it wasn't a chick at all....
  21. OSU was announced in the Sanford tournament with the Blue Turds this morning so I take it that Non-Con games are a GO from the Big 10?
  22. Nope-- as part of the deal for the last commit Wake took from us, they said the next one was ours.
  23. It sounds though... that the MTE is contingent on the Big 10 allowing Non-Con games. Don't know why they wouldn't other than the fact that they are the Big 10, but that would lead me to believe that "Nebraska" has some hand in the hosting part.
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