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Red Rum

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Everything posted by Red Rum

  1. just when i almost forgot about the zooperstars...
  2. I don't like Creighton, or any sport they play, or their fans. I will never route for them no matter who they are playing. I don't like blue jays as a bird, they are natures a-holes.
  3. Just gonna throw this out there, it could be that the "oops" was on the person animating that new floor video and not what the floor will actually look like. Also I'd rather have the state outline floor back.
  4. Like the last year at the Bob? I don't hate the current floor design but I'd rather have kept the state outline one.
  5. Feb 2013. I'm not sure which game was my last. I missed the last one for sure but I think I also missed the second to last one due to prior obligations. I think that game against Iowa got moved up a day because of weather. Unfortunately they seats I sat in no longer exist. I think they're a suite now.
  6. Not sure if its a glitch or what but I got an email saying scrimmage tickets were now available. Even though the tweet said it would be tomorrow. I got mine.
  7. Men's passes went on sale yesterday. I got a Green parking garage pass for $231, same as last year check that, it went up $1
  8. Schedule's out
  9. also
  10. I keep forgetting I can watch Nortwoods League games on ESPN+. I was gonna look and see who plays on what teams but I'll just watch the Loggers.
  11. Thats cold blooded
  12. Hope Caleb was wearing Pumas to get that cool $1k bonus for hitting the Elam ender. I really enjoy the TBT. I wondered if any former Huskers were playing in it but I was too lazy to check. Looks like my night is planned.
  13. I hate me for knowing about this
  14. I love the Deftones. Pick him up!
  15. I'm glad I was able to make all the games this year. That was fun. Other than Tuesday's game and the traffic jam after the game Wednesday because the interstate went down to 1 lane for no apparent reason
  16. Spoke too soon, game is now at 8pm
  17. hopefully getting the weather delays out of our system early this year
  18. I plan on going to all the Nebraska games. If they make it to the weekend I plan on tailgating instead of hitting up a bar before the game.
  19. Same. That was something else man. Hope something clicked in Brockett during his "time off". Nebraska needs more pitchers badly.
  20. 1. Love Mast in a hawaiian shirt 2. My favorite moment was when Keisei waited to do the buzzer beater the second time and that money ball got him in the finals.
  21. RE: Black unis, I don't think it was a middle finger to Trev. They still wore the road greys and black unis last year. I'm a little sad that it seems the road greys have been put away. Love that classic baseball look. I do like wearing a specific jersey for a sweep game though. It kind of gives a bit of a psychological edge to a team in a way. I'm encouraged they'll still do that since they did the black socks and hat but probably didn't do the full jersey because Northwestern was wearing their black/dark jerseys. If they wanted to stick it to Trev they'd go back to the skinnier N hats.... I have been enjoying this team very much so far. Ready to get back out there for some home baseball this weekend after missing last home series due to a spur of the moment trip to Memphis.
  22. Got this in an email from the university. I have no idea where this is, I've never been to Minneapolis.
  23. This was the only game I missed that season. That's what I get for saying yes to going to Lawrence for a concert before checking my calendar. Lesson learned.
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