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Everything posted by roscoe

  1. Bando gets raked on the drive no call and PSU 3/3 on 3's. Long day ahead
  2. And that's where Walker needs to understand the situation and poor officiating for the game. Like you said it was obvious and either the refs were on the take or just absolutely had it in for the huskers.
  3. The worst part about the flop calls against bigs is they allow them to bump each other 3+ times and then when defender realizes he has been moved deep and offensive guy has close range shot he hits the deck.
  4. RULE 7 Out of Bounds and the Throw-in Section 1. Out of Bounds—Player, Ball Art. 1. A player shall be out of bounds when he touches the floor or any object other than a person on or outside a boundary line. An airborne player’s status shall be where he was last in contact with the floor. Art. 2. The ball shall be out of bounds when it touches a player who is out of bounds, any other person, the floor or any object on or outside a boundary, the supports or back of the backboard, or the ceiling or overhead equipment
  5. The ball bounced off the bottom of the support (which is out of bounds) before Greisel grabbed it. So anything after hitting that support is meaningless. Not seeing the ball hit that support is bad. Not like it just grazed it. the ball came pretty much straight down.
  6. It took me and my buddy 10 seconds to see the ball clearly hit the bottom of the backboard support on play they called Greisel oob. It took the refs over a minute to figure same thing out. It was almost like how do we call this so OSU gets the ball.
  7. One of my favorite songs of all time.
  8. 26-6 Sparty run including last 11
  9. I try not to ever look at any other predictions and was actually going to pick 71-65 but saw previous entry had that so gave huskers 4 more points for some reason.
  10. Ohio St/Rutgers Nebraska/Purdue Wisconsin/Iowa All 3 terribly officiated games. 1 common piece...Larry Scirotto reffed all 3 games. How the he!! does this clown still get to do games. You would think at some point other refs would say something but guess they figure his incompetence makes them look good.
  11. Listened to Kevin Harlan and Wayne Larrivee do sports reports on 810 KCMO on my drives to school back in early 80's. Then a commercial or 2 and an episode of Chickenman.
  12. I really liked Sam backing guys down and posting up a smaller defender. Once he got in range he shot or made nice passes when double team attacked.
  13. Not sure how good of football coach Rhule is but he's done a helluva job with the basketball teams.
  14. HOLY S***! I'm sitting on couch and my legs are trembling! I don't believe it
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