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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. hit Francon 1 tonight after losing by 20. Called an official a MF cheater in a hallway a couple times.
  2. Is a senior at one of the high school here in Columbia that has 6 schools looking at him but is still unsigned. We don't need another guard but the kid can play.
  3. I'd give you more than 1 up vote if I could for this.
  4. Understand what you're saying but no way in hell we pay the basketball coach that much more than the football coach.
  5. To many trips that resulted in a chuck at the shot clock. We run an offensive set half those possession, we win today.
  6. If this team was coached HOW to run an offense we would win so many more games. Ugh today was tough.
  7. Dang it LadyHusker, someone pass me the dictionary.
  8. Kearney Man has had a few with about this many down arrows.
  9. Few most likely does not answer a call from a 402 area code. He has had chances to leave for much better options than trying to raise us from the dead and said no. He loves where he is at (according to him) and probably is there until he retires.
  10. I hope you're right. I think if the light comes on for him to realize just how good he could be, he'd be scary. Well that and if he could play the 4.
  11. Just don't see him coming back. If he is told he is not ready, I see him going the grad transfer route.
  12. Agree that we get very stagnant far to often, but I also see a lot of wide open shots clank off the rim.
  13. This is spot on.
  14. The blood is in the water and the sharks are circling at this point.
  15. Hawks need to look no further than Missouri to see what happens when donors stick their noses in at the wrong time. Missouri has not been the same since the Walmart clan ran Norm off. Hell, you could've walked into the arena last night as sat almost court side to see them play Kentucky. When Norm was around, if you were lucky to find a ticket it was in nose bleed.
  16. He is also very good friends with Miles so I think he would smile and say no, no matter what dollar amount you offered.
  17. Nah you're not alone. Could he be the guy to take us to the promise land of college basketball, maybe. But given he has never recruited and only been a head coach for a couple seasons (with the best player in the game right now), I am not sure at this point you take that chance. Some day maybe.
  18. nquire about Gregg Marshall. Doubt he leaves his current job. He has had better offers than us and he has said no. Heck didn't he tell us no before? Inquire about Steve Wojciechowski - would he take a call from a 402 number? Oats - worth at least kicking the tires. Hoiberg - this one has been discussed a lot already. Shaka - Would he leave as long as Texas keeps paying him big to be average? Martin - South Carolina Martin? I think he could win here, but are we ready for a Bo Pelini type basketball coach?
  19. A great story
  20. HB I am not shocked we loss, hell I predicted it. I AM shocked by the lack of fire and or effort given. Team had given itself a chance to be in the discussion again and came out like they could have cared less.
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