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Everything posted by Silverbacked1

  1. Holy Cow jimmy that is a who’s who of players I wish I could have seen.
  2. That would have been one of the high lights of my life to see those two play.
  3. Cleaning out mom and dads house I found my Iceman poster that I hung in my dorm room and room at that house. It is in my basement now.
  4. I think Eli might have been a problem. Kind of had the same results at Penn State as here.
  5. At the end of the game as they were going through he hand shake line I saw that he had on what looked like a black back brace. It could have been the padded undershirt that some bits play with. But it poked to be outside of his Jersey
  6. Gotta be some tears I would think
  7. You know we have never seen both be on a thread at the same time.hmmmmm
  9. One last thing where can I send my upset fan crappy reffing email to the Big 10 office. will never hear back but it will help me maybe get to sleep by 3 or 4 in the morning
  10. Okay NOW we have to beat Iowa on Sunday. three reasons 1 senior day 2 still leaving us a crack 3 I just could handle losing to Iowa on senior day lastly if we go to the NIT we better be a number 1 seed
  11. This is what really upsets me the most. I am old and I remember how the game was played, but different times different rules. Just tell us the rules then. it us obvious that each year something has been changed but the fans don’t know that. When did the three second call get removed. Really when was the last time you saw that called? 20-25 years ago. I am not sure but I don’t think my 3 30+ year old sons have ever seen it called in their lives. hand check? Thought you weren’t allowed to push the dribbler with the hand that you are allowed to touch them with. Too much of sports rules across the board have changed into the ref “interpretation “ of the rule that it is becoming unwatchable. and finally I think that many coaches and players bend the rules by doing the same thing on offense or defense every time that the official couldn’t call it every time or guys would be fouled out in 5 trips down the court. okay I feel somewhat better now
  12. Hey Matt can we just ask this clown to no longer be on here any more. I just looked back and he is just a troll that really brings nothing to this great site.
  13. You know how terrible the reffing is I think about done watch sports
  14. Still don’t understand how that “step back move” isn’t a travel
  15. Well maybe they will punch somebody and fore’s them to call something against them
  16. This is going to be one of those what a way to lose or win game.
  17. Did Mobily learn to shoot that three point shot from his mom he shoots it from his chest
  18. Ohio State looks like the more tired
  19. Why can’t we ever get that to drop
  20. Still enough time and only down one
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