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*Deleted Account*

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Everything posted by *Deleted Account*

  1. Millennials ?
  2. It was actually 3. Iowa State just lost and Alabama fired their coach. Enjoy what could have been while watching that game with you face paint on.
  3. Most of them think mediocrity without even knowing it. Hence arguing about the importance of an NIT game vs locking up a program changing coach then accusing those that point that out as being "not a true fan" or or a "troll".
  4. Been on this board over a decade. Season ticket holder since 2003 not counting when I was a student. I'm not a troll but I am a true husker fan. Enjoy the NIT as it may very well take away any opportunity this program will ever have at being relevant. Head in the sand fan boys and apathy are why this program is where it is. Sorry I don't want that anymore
  5. Definition of FanBoy. 1 meaningless game over program savior.
  6. Well apparently I suck as a fan because I wanted the season to end and if the administration was too stupid to do that than hopefully Butler would for them. Short term gratification always kills long term plans.
  7. Might be a snag. Hope you guys enjoyed that NIT game.............?
  8. Maybe because they don't know each other well?
  9. I think it is opening up. Damm NIT game.
  10. He was basically busted on twitter when someone pointed out who the new Tennis coach at Nebraska is.
  11. Yet this board is defending the staff that likely put out those rumors..................bet that gets me some more down votes. BTW, I love what Bill has done with Tennis. It's about time we stop sucking at that sport
  12. He didn't need to interview Fred in Chicago.
  13. He was interviewing Altman,.............
  14. Didn't ruin my day but I dread the national negativity of the program I love tomorrow. This is what I wanted to avoid and why I said what I said. Either way, I'm sure the fanboys are pumped because they couldn't grasp what winning would do. Thank goodness Moos did what needed to be done. Although now the tea toddlers have something to continue to complain about MOOS.
  15. One has to wonder if the suspension wasn't academic related
  16. I think he will be back........Thanks to Fred.
  17. Craig Smith would be a better hire at UNLV than Tim. Especially if he reunited with Chris Harriman. I still think UNLV could get a guy like Ben Howland also.
  18. Not what I meant but whatever. We got FREDDY!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Message board down votes how can I ever live with myself ?.
  20. I just now realized you guys can rate posts. Good lord this is getting better. ?
  21. Secrest out......You should all listen to NUSTUDENT
  22. Winning an NIT game is completely meaningless.
  23. My favorite saying. Always chuckle at responses on this board
  24. Rooting for injuries? Hating the team? No. Not at all. This season has been a slog for our kids and many of them are injured wondering where they will be attending school next year. The sooner they can get healthy and make life decisions the better. You guys are acting like massive immature fan boys with zero regard for how miserable it will be for the coaches and players to hang around another few weeks. If you have never been laid off or went through that process than you are clueless about the stress these coaches are carrying right now. It’s better for everyone for this to end tonight. Take your fan boy glasses off and look to the long term for everyone involved. Winning an NIT game may very well cost Nebraska it’s top coaching prospect, prevent a kid from a top transfer opportunity or god forbid lead the a bad injury.
  25. The long term health of this program and it's student athletes would benefit greatly by losing tonight. It will also help our coaching staff get a head start job hunting as they will be in high demand, IMO.
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