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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. Now that the Buckeye game has been scheduled for Saturday night, you can bet yer a** "Game Day" will be in Lincoln. They haven't had a chance to genuflect to THE Ohio St. University yet this season and will gladly do so since the "N" helmet still carries a brand when it comes to the TV. It's shaping up to be a real rip-snorter of a weekend right here in the Star City! Hoops, then knock off those pompous dilweeds that the BTN is named after...
  2. In layman’s terms “darker”, it seems too bright to me.( like the the MN court) I just wish it was a little warmer...
  3. Dalano's "rockin" the Jon Stockton's!
  4. It's bright and "pops" a little too much for my tastes (not as bad as the Barn) but I wish it had a more natural wood look, but hey, they didn't stop by O'rourkes's to ask me...
  5. This guy should be a REAL difference maker for us. He's got an inside/outside game, a B1G body and has actually PLAYED at a high D1 level (unlike the Frosh) It will be interesting to see how Fred divides up the teams for the scrimmage, or if he changes it up throughout to see how different players & combos of players work together.
  6. “I’m sorry, I’m REALLY sorry ....”
  7. Looks like the powers that be up at Omaha East have scheduled this so they can get home to watch their favorite Football team play in the B1G Title game () ... I know that joke’s been trotted out before but it really NEVER gets old! A 1:30 tip should allow for much revery beforehand, & the beating the Birds took last year is more trend than mirage...
  8. I think Wayne enjoyed a “Liberace” type run in Vegas for a number of years...
  9. Likewise, I just thought it was funny when they played & everyone was like, they’re SO “old” Well yeah, they’re in their 70’s fer Christ’s sake...
  10. I’m not sure what level of “Street Cred” he has anymore, even amongst the younger set. But, it’s better to have an eye towards what the players might like than be completely tone deaf and haul out some act only the old fuddy duddy’s might like. (Think Who/Super Bowl)
  11. And those aren’t “digitally enhanced” like a certain someone’s on their Instagram account...
  12. Hopefully someone is working with him on the lost art of the “Baby hook”... anything we can get from young Yvan offensively is a complete bonus. Can’t wait to see him in person & get a sense of his feel for the game.
  13. I’d venture a guess that Stevenson sees a lot of time at the “Five” as Fred goes small with shooters spread all over the floor...
  14. They better be, or this thing could go South in a hurry...
  15. Even at, what 285,000 these days, I’m sure young Yvan is use to MUCH larger metro areas. He’ll mainly be on campus, I get that, and Nebraskans are friendly to a fault, but Lincoln doesn’t just have a “small town” vibe it is small. Another point to ponder, he’s SO young, does he even know who Dwayne Wade is?
  16. In a season full of “X” factors, the biggest one is how much consistency/production will we get from Cross & Drago. We can’t run-n-gun if we don’t have the ball. We need to hold our own on the glass. We’ll be better out of the chute then Frost’s football team. There won’t be any “Troy” losses or ass whuppins like Michigan laid on us...
  17. His biggest culture shock might be the size of the city itself. You forget how “small” Lincoln is until you’re away from it for awhile...
  18. If Dwades in the House, I wonder if some of Fred’s homies from the Wolves might make an appearance? KG, Spree, maybe THud? I guess we’ll just have to get use to being a “media darling” with Star ️ Power in the building, that’s how we Roll!
  19. If Nebraska wins only 12 games this year I’ll eat my hat (the one with Herbie on it, not Randy Travis)
  20. If East Omaha is a 5 seed, where is West Dodge High (UNO)?
  21. I’ve seen Chance the Rapper in Concert and still don’t know who he is...
  22. Without looking it up, I’d venture to guess that’s the biggest spread we’ve had in a LONG, long time... Anyway, there was a nice write up in the LJS today about Rick Ross & all the Husker Hoops “hype” If College Gameday IS in town for the Buckeyes, any chance Corso makes it over to PBA?
  23. That might seem like a big number until you see the Husker line over South Alabama is 36...
  24. A sellout would be awesome ! And just on the downlow, don’t let Rick Ross’s OG BS fool ya, he use to be a CO...(correctional officer)
  25. At least it’s not some Husker Harvest days reject...
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