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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. I heard Walton tell a story of bringing the Grateful Dead into the UCLA Locker Room to shower with the Cheerleaders.
  2. I was THERE yesterday, a thrilling reminder of why the NEW B1G isn’t Ready for what the Big Red is ready to unleash across the Board.
  3. They could always go back to the Mo Valley.
  4. Glad we’re one of the “Haves” cuz everyone else is on their own.
  5. Show of Hands if you’ve seen this in a Men’s Room Before: Here I Sit My Cheeks a Flexin, Given Birth to Another Texan…!
  6. In their video for “Keep Em Separated” the guitarist is wearing a Ritual Device T-shirt the legendary Omaha band.
  7. The Sperry Topsiders Really “Make” that scene.
  8. I’m like Dentist Office furniture, you can’t get rid of me.
  9. Steve Albini’s Band Big Black
  10. I used to ask my Students what’s the difference between Involved & Committed? When you’re making an omelette a Chicken is “Involved” an Egg is Committed.
  11. It looks like we’ll have lots flexibility & moving parts. I’m intrigued by: Worster Williams Janowski Griffiths Meah
  12. According to Patrick Reusse, Payne got North of 500K to go to A&M. Ben’s ENTIRE NIL Budget for the rest of the Roster is in the 340-350 neighborhood.
  13. Chuck Barkley called him the BEST “On-Ball” Defender in the B1G.
  14. Wild Speculation is always Fun, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re BETTER than that.
  15. I’ve got a Hunch Fred’s got an Ace or Two up his sleeve to fill those last spots. But you have to be happy with where we’re at right now.
  16. All Valid Points, I’d actually say the Wolves might be the “Favorites” to Win the whole thing. But the Vikings Shadow is LONG & relentless.
  17. And I’d be Remiss if I didn’t say R.I.P Al Shaver. I’m assuming you’re old enough to remember the 5OT Duluth East/Apple Valley game in ‘96. Before the 5th Period Al said, “You Better Crack Open another One, I know I’m going too”…
  18. The Reason PJ cancelled the Spring Game is because he didn’t want people to see that EMPTY Stadium on TV.
  19. The Sports Pecking Order in that State is: 1. Vikings 2. Vikings 3. Vikings 4. Twins 5. Gopher Hockey Everything Else
  20. I know PJ cries ALL the time about their lack of NIL support with the Football Program. I’d like to see Ben Stick there…
  21. It looks like Ben Johnson’s Days are numbered especially with Cam Christie entering the Portal. Fun Fact: Fred & Tim Mikes accomplished something Tubby Smith never did. Post a Winning B1G Conference Record.
  22. Dan Monson was the Coach who originally led Gonzaga to prominence, then took over in Minnesota after Clem Haskins moved on.
  23. I hit up the Husker’s Instagram account & said “Let’s Win that B1G Title Big Fella” & the first person to give me a LIKE was Braxton Meah…! #GBR
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