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Everything posted by Lohusker

  1. Neb 84 Lind 63 Non Con 10 Total 20
  2. Start Blaise and put Walker at Point! Kidding. Sort of. [emoji23]
  3. Assuming the record you are referencing for each season is conf road games? If so, and looking at the schedule, I think 4-6 would be a great road mark for this team.
  4. Completely agree. I’ve felt all along they could be a competitive team. But the Creighton win has thrown the casual fan’s thoughts out of whack (as did the SJU and OU games) [emoji23]
  5. Hoping it stops here or most have already had it. Fred was sick last week for BC game (as was Walker). IIRC, most of the team was sick for Auburn last year and a few for Mich the game before (I think we were all sick after those 2 games [emoji23]).
  6. Sounding like no Sam tonight due to illness that has been running through the team. Damn.
  7. Sorry all, I misunderstood. it’s Friday not Thursday.
  8. He will be back Thursday.
  9. I don’t think it’s like football where they will send a guy packing mid season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. it will be interesting to see if they fill all four. I’m thinking they save at least one for ‘22
  11. He had 1 year to play and planned to sit this year. When he got the waiver and played this year, he has now played 4 years of basketball. So he “should” be considered a Sr that doesn’t count against the limit for returning. Nothing official has come out though, and I know Washut doesn’t agree with me - but I’m holding to my theory until I hear differently
  12. I would say 3.5. There are 0 right now. 5 more players “could” leave, but that is on the high side, IMO . I’m thinking 3-4.
  13. They have a good draw - the PSU/Neb winner gets a reeling Wisconsin. If they get past PSU, I like their chances of getting another shot at Iowa on Friday
  14. One other thing to consider is that since Lakes played this year - he should now be considered a Sr, and next year wouldnt count against numbers. I’ll be curious to hear if this ends up being the case.
  15. i would swap Woods and Yvan, but otherwise agree. Shamiel could be in the most likely category too, I go back and forth given how many times he’s transferred already.
  16. The downside is the whole final week of Iowa, Purdue, Illinois and NW would be on the road.
  17. They just said on BTN that Neb will get 4 in a row at home. So Minn must be the game next Thursday and not @IA.
  18. Fred said last night that they have 2 days off after Purdue, and then starting.next Tuesday (which we now know is PSU) they will play every other day through the end of the season. That gets all the games in by my calc. I expect next Thurs will be either Minn or @IA (they are both off all week), Rutgers to move from Sun to Sat, and then M, W, F to get iA/Min, ILL, and Purduex in before NW finale on that Sun.
  19. he said they have 2 days off again after Purdue, so doesn’t sound like it. I’m guessing, based on schedules, it ends up Min, @IA, Rut, PSU, @Ill, @PU, @NW. Maybe they will give them Iowa or NW at home to give them a break, but I doubt it.
  20. They had no legs the last 10 minutes. Also didn’t sub as much in the 2nd. I think they hoped to steal this first one and ran out of gas. It evens up a little tomorrow, as it will also be MD’s 3rd in 4 days.
  21. Interesting tidbit from Fred in PC - starting next Tuesday they play every other day through the rest of the season. I’m thinking Iowa and Minn are next week, they are both scheduled to be off all week.
  22. Washut said on RSS today that he’s hearing Wisc will be moved up to Wed this week so they can host Illinois on Friday.
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