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  1. My bad. As far as captian vs caption...it sucks getting old. I would not of made that mistake 5 years ago. Stuff like that is happening more and more so forgive me.
  2. I doubt the photo was altered. It's more likely that the captain is wrong. Not unusual for the writer and photographer to be different people? Maybe just bad recall by the photographer. Nowadays they sometimes use stock photos that is not actually about the current event. Maybe it was something like that. Doctored? Too much work for a newspaper in the 60's for something like this. I doubt they had the expertise? To me this is most likely is a quick two hand put back off of his own miss. It could also be the start of a rebound from his own miss. As someone who missed a lot of shots as a yute, I am an expert on self followups and repeated misses. I had excellent rebounding stats(R), computed as N=the number of bunny shots I took times 3.5 which is the average number of misses & rebounds before I could make it. Shades of Moses Malone. My excuse is warped backboards.
  3. Great fit for 5 out offense or high post offense. Would love to see him pick the Huskers.
  4. Brumbaugh, Frahm and Hayden Lewis are out for the year. Hurts to lose Brumbaugh. Hughes and Hood are nicked up. I don't think they will make this trip.
  5. I was happy to hear Bunz, Perry and Ornelas have recovered from their injuries and deemed healthy. Should bolster the depth of the staff if they have their strength and control. It will be interesting to see what they do with Bunz. Do they work him as a reliever or starter with a pitch limit? Maybe he is bullpen to start and then towards tourney time he gets stretched out? Anyone with thoughts? Possible guys that they could stretch out....Olson,Kaminska,Clarke,Sears,Garza,Bunz,Brockett and Novotony? Can any baseball gurus enlighten? My guesses are like throwing darts after a couple of pitchers of beer and Dr Johnny Fever I am not.
  6. I have been looking at the Fr,RFR and Soph on our roster combined with this recruiting class. Looks like we need to target middle infielders and catchers for 2024
  7. Recruiting signings....sounds like a good class. https://huskers.com/news/2022/11/10/huskers-ink-nine-in-baseball-signing-class.aspx
  8. https://huskers.com/news/2022/10/15/baseball-huskers-belt-five-homers-in-12-9-win-at-ku.aspx
  9. So they have Charlie playing first and Max at 2nd. Interesting.
  10. Looking forward to the lineups against Kansas in this last fall scrimmage game. I hope we see the other 'half' of the pitching staff that didn't throw against Omaha. Just depends how the pitching schedules shake out. Want to see what Garza, Worthley, Guttierez, Sears and Rizzo bring to the table. There's others of course but the ones I named I am very intrigued about. From what I saw at Omaha, Kaminska is going to fit into a starting weekend role. He looked confident and in control in his 2 innings of work. Other than that, hard to glean too much pitching-wise. I am only good at seeing the obvious as I mostly clueless. Position-wise, so far it look like Dylan Carey is going to be a good player for us. He's built like a corner infielder and played a good 3rd base. Also played an inning of SS (emergency option audition..) I thought he looked out of place there due to his build. Caron had a good game at Omaha. Continuation of a good summer. Hughes got some run at 2nd and then played backup SS. Not sure what to think of his play. I don't how the middle infield shakes out. Need to see more. Outfield has a good competition going. Cole Evans did alright at RF. Anglim played LF. Brumbaugh and Burnham are competing at CF. If Burnham plays CF, Brumbaugh can slide to LF which would bump Anglim to RF. We added some speed out there and we have enough players there that I think we should be pretty solid in the OF. Want to see what Charlie Fischer can do for us. Very interested to see how Charlie figures into things because I had envisioned him as a good LH bat in the middle of our lineup. Only position player that didn't play against Omaha. Hurt? Class? Not sure of his position. Is he OF or DH? If he plays DH what do you do with Caron/Everett combination? If he is OF then I think he bumps Evans? I was thinking 1st base but with Carey doing well and Max a fixture in the lineup, I don't see that happening? Lots of unknowns yet and competition continues, we shall see. I feel okay about our position guys for the most part. Pitching will be the big determinator for 2023. This is reversed from last year's fall ball season where I felt better about the pitching than the offense. We shall see.
  11. https://huskers.com/news/2022/10/14/baseball-huskers-wrap-up-fall-schedule-at-kansas.aspx The article above implies that there will be no red-white series. Maybe they skipped it this fall because of the new sod that they put in.
  12. I haven't seen anything on a red-white series? I will be disappointed if they don't have one. Anyone know anything about this?
  13. I was thinking about what improvement I want to see from returning players. Here are a few thoughts. Feel free to add. Wilcher. - Rebounding/blocking out and defense. Hope the leaner frame helps him accomplish this. Breidenbach. Seemed to pick up a lot of fouls away from the hoop last year by being a little over enthusiastic on closeouts/switches. With a new defensive scheme it might not be an issue but still want to see him play smart on defense. Tominga - Better shot selection (Don't force it and don't shoot 25+ feet from the hoop.) Walker - Was pretty solid for the most part. Might prove helpful to can some outside shots, just enough to keep the defense honest.
  14. This. While it was fun to see him shoot from the edge of the half court circle in an international game I don't want to see that under normal circumstances. Better shot selection would do wonders for his %.
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