At first, when I heard the news, I was disappointed. Now, after some time thinking about it, I think it will be good for both JS and Nebraska WBB to have a fresh start. From reading through the posts, it seems that some folks had the same thoughts I did about the possibility of her leaving. Now I don't have to worry about the other shoe dropping because it's now dropped and as a fan, I can move on to what's next.
We need players that have the same drive and attitude like Nicea, Hannah, and Burns, and in the past, Cady, Moore and Hooper. I LOVE watching them play. Watching the games, it felt to me like JS wasn't always 'all in'. That's just a feeling I had and I'm not trying to bash her. I only wish her the best on her way out and I hope she learns from this experience.
I look forward to the future and Coach Williams building a great team.