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Everything posted by Lifetimesker

  1. Great memories there, thanks for sharing. I took my wife to her first game (Michigan St) this year. I basically had to drag her to the game, but......she had a great time. Of course, having Loge box seats for the game didn't hurt anything!
  2. I like the analogy. I also believe that help is on the way. The "Miles is on notice" I don't agree with! He will be ok. Brighter skies ahead my friends.
  3. I am at a loss for words with this officiating. How do you miss that file on Shields!
  4. He looked like a man on a mission last night. Shon Morris couldn't stop talking about him, it was fun to watch him play. Weren't their reports this week about his surgically repaired knee getting a little worse? Didn't look like it last night!
  5. Didn't Jamel get jetisoned prior to the start of that season? Didn't Jamel get jetisoned prior to the start of that season? Yep. JW #31 could have had a good year, but blew his chance. Too bad. Miles was considered a miracle-worker for winning 5 B1G games that 1st season w/ Doc's leftovers! Doc had 2 & 4 wins in 2 out of his last 3 years at NU w/ 14 conference losses in each of those 2 seasons... Didn't he end up somewhere where he scored like 60 points in a game or something, or am I just imagining this?
  6. Yeah, I should have know better than to ever repeat anything my dumb A$$ friends say. Although they are good guys, they tend to be the negative nancy's of our beer(busch light drinkers, yuck) drinking, sports talking group.
  7. Ok, I have to ask this question and I'm sure this had been talked about elsewhere but I missed it. Some of my friends seem to think that coach Miles's seat might be getting a little warm, do you guys think this is possible? I refuse to believe this as he is only in his 3rd year and last season I'm sure has bought him plenty of time. But, what if next season is like this season? Could he be in trouble? I do believe all the marble's are in next years bag as Smiles has already stated. We will be upgrading our perimeter shooting( I hope) as well as gaining some depth. As far as a post threat, is Hammonds never going to be a viable option here? I don't think Mile's office should be chained up, the players seemed to have had flat out quit against Iowa, that's unacceptable...imo!
  8. I agree, It's like we never recovered from blowing that 18 point lead in the conference tournament last year.
  9. Oh, but just our luck, I'm sure Loving will get back on track tomorrow night!
  10. That's the problem but I would still argue that we don't run a motion offense and this is not what Miles sees as a motion either. I know Miles came in saying he ran motion but I don't think he has actually implemented that in any sort of large scale way. Where as a dribble hand off can be, running a continuous weave at the top is not part of any motion offense. I tend to agree with this. I don't think a weave to nowhere 23 feet away from the basket is truly part of the motion offense IMHO. What exactly does this accomplish? Its easily defended and eats up the shot clock. I suppose if your trying to kill the clock with a substantial lead(have we had that situation this year?) , that's one thing, otherwise what's the purpose? The other 2 player are usually just standing around while all this is happening anyway. To me, motion offense is about getting something going to the basket via off a hard screen or back cut( not to be confused with the Princeton offense)
  11. I agree. This feels like a dangerous move that could go either way. But, I do trust in Miles and this staff to do whatever is necessary to get his point across to the kids. Hey, look at that, "Coach Carter" is available on Netflix's. I'm hitting play........NOW!
  12. I also agree, TP is not the problem. I think he is working overtime to be the solution, and that is too BIG of a load to carry. Execution, effort.....these are things that the players are in direct control of. I didn't see either yesterday. These guys need to start wanting that "hot potato". I looks like they are scared of the ball. It doesn't seem like for the first 10-15 seconds we are even running anything to get a quality shot. Everything is like 23 to 25 feet from the basket.
  13. I have a hard time even talking about it. I just thought it was so interesting when he asked me that, that I just had to share. I probably would have to say Benny as well. We would give up his defensive intensity, but gain a player who would consistently get you 15 points a night on average, but I love "Sparker" and it's fun to watch him lock players down!
  14. I didn't mean to just single out the gents, ladies are welcome to answer too!
  15. Why do kids ask such great questions, and so many for that matter? Sitting here with my seven-year-old son watching the Ohio State vs Penn St game and he asked me "if I could swap DJ Newbill out for anyone of the starting five for the Huskers, who would it be?" Obviously, he heard the announcers say that he is the Big Ten leading scorer. I declined to answer, but wondering if any of you fine gentlemen would like to take a crack at it?
  16. I am definitely not bashing him. I love the guy, and very happy he is a HUSKER. I just think he lets his emotions get the best of him sometimes, which in turn effects his decision making on the court. He has a lot of pressure on him game in and game out to perform on a otherwise challenged offensive team .....I'm sure its tough to handle sometimes!
  17. He got lost a couple of times but I thought it was one of his stronger nights defending in the paint. He was part of Kaminsky only making 4 buckets and Nigel Hayes making none. Obviously the offense wasn't there. Absolutely, "the tank" was held under his average and Walt was a big part of that. I was happy with the defense last night.
  18. He just gets too frustrated with himself, and I think it trickles down to the rest of the team. It's one thing to say you are staying positive as a team and another to actually show it. As always, actions speak louder than words!
  19. Obviously, the absence of Walt's shooting has hurt us tremendously the season. He had a wide-open look inside the last 3 minutes of the game that would've been huge, and it barely hit the rim. I love the emergence of Tai, Tarrin is coming along. The defense was there today, but how can we be so inept on offense on the road? This team is so Jekyll and Hyde, it really confuses me!
  20. Probably too little too late, but I'm glad they are showing some life!
  21. Unbelievable, really close to just shutting off the television! It's like a nightmare that we can't wake up from.
  22. Ok, 2nd half game plan: Shoot better than 10% from the field!
  23. We look scared, timid! Somebody has to step up.
  24. This just kills me to watch. Ugh, and a sigh!
  25. LOL.....I use this excuse at home too. Last night the wife told me to take out the garbage, Coach Miles says I don't have to. All my Husker apparel is either black or red. I suppose I better head to Husker Headquarters before tuesday's game.
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