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Red Don

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Everything posted by Red Don

  1. Well, we don't have Any SCP's! (but then again we only have 3 O-rbs. )
  2. What really gets me is how poor we seem at getting put-back points; while the opponents always seem to do it so easily!
  3. https://omaha.com/sports/huskers/womens-basketball/nebraska-womens-basketball-game-against-michigan-state-canceled/article_63a9be92-792c-11eb-befe-0b0ea4032a70.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_OWHbigred
  4. Well, they must have already travelled and in Lincoln since it's a last second announcement. The next game for each team is in one week, next Saturday, 3/6. There should be an opportunity to reschedule if both teams are willing.
  5. Thanks Matt!!! I had no clue about this. Edit: Uhhhh, it just occurred to me, does this apply to WBB Too?
  6. Thanks Dimes (err Matt). This got me to wondering what Terran Petteway's % was at the rim. I always think of him as an elite finisher. Looking at the Husker.com stats all I find is FG %'s (.410).
  7. Since !982!
  8. https://twi tter.com/HuskerExtraCB/status/1365126776029130752?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1365126776029130752%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_ur https://twitter.com/HuskerExtraCB/statuhttps://twitter.com/HuskerExtraCB/status/1365127837246779396?s=20s/1365127837246779396?s=20https://twitter.com/HuskerExtraCB/status/1365127837246779396?s=20
  9. Final Stats: https://fightingillini.com/sidearmstats/mbball/media
  10. Seems to me there are some folks on the floor tonight that deserve a shortt career.
  11. Going to have to play better this half, BOTH Offense AND Defense!
  12. We Get One To End The Half For A Change!!!! Take THAT Refs.
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