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Everything posted by NUtball

  1. Fighting for NIT seeding at this point. What an embarrassment. I figured 1-2 in these last 3 games with a split between Minn/Iowa. With this kind of effort, high probability of 0-3. Might not break 50 for 2nd straight game.
  2. 46 points. Just pathetic. Couldn't make the good looks and took so many horrible shots otherwise.
  3. Williams needed to take that straight to the hoop. Make them defend a hard drive with a 1 point lead.
  4. Near the end of overtime when Oregon's 6'8" Leviathan jumped on Markowski's back and tomahawked her to the floor attempting to rebound and rightly was called for a foul, the announcers spent quite a bit of time exclaiming that Oregon's coach was pitching a fit on the sidelines about the officials. Markowski literally got plowed under by a one-player Oregon avalanche - as clear a foul as there will ever be. Granted, the cameras didn't show the coach at that time so I took the announcers' word for it. However, other shots of their coach during the game showed him in a constant state of 'whine' about the way the game was called.
  5. With this team, there's no telling. Definition of Jekyll and Hyde. Look like world beaters for 20 minutes and then like a 6th-grade girl's squad for the next 20, or vice-versa.
  6. Holy crap, what a comeback. I gave up on them. One of the few times I will say that Nebraska probably benefited from more questionable calls than the opponent (except for the Nissley mugging that was called a jump ball late in overtime). Oh, and the Oregon coach is a moron. Here's to Markowski setting more records.
  7. They ain't coming back tonight. Complete lack of effort across the board.
  8. Gary gets fouled on the shot, no call.
  9. So much for a strong start. Can't even get a shot.
  10. And that effing bitch just KO'd our best player. Effing hog.
  11. Punked by Sideshow Bob again.
  12. No. 1 with a blatant violation on the inbounds play. These refs blow.
  13. They call a foul on that?
  14. Keep taking it at Bostic - she can't afford to play tough D with 3 fouls. Oh, and try to play at least a little bit of D on the other end. And for heaven's sake, stop getting punked by Sideshow Bob (24).
  15. Markowski blatantly tripped heading toward the hoop. No call.
  16. Got to start playing some defense.
  17. The wide open one after the rebound fell in her lap was oof. She just shot it too quick, expecting she was going to get hammered, which, to her benefit, is a fairly sound expectation.
  18. Yeah, that looked pretty bad. Especially after the BS illegal screen called on Bozan with at most, a brush of uniforms. B1G officiating strikes again.
  19. Thankfully, Illinois is missing a bunch of layups also.
  20. C'mon Markowski. Make those bunnies!
  21. I checked out as well. I have unscientific data that the chances of an NU win is much more probable if I am not watching or listening. Makes it hard to be a fan.
  22. Since that NCAA tournament win has been so elusive, I guess they've set their sights on the first CBI win. What an absolute shit show.
  23. If the bottom hasn't been reached, we're close. I don't know what they're doing out there, but it sure as hell ain't basketball.
  24. 3 sure things in life. Death, taxes, and Nebrasketball's gonna Nebrasketball.
  25. It's somewhat mind-boggling how much trouble Nebraska consistently has with this pack of Poindexters.
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