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Everything posted by cipsucks

  1. Arrrgh! I have a backup plan. Give me a couple minutes.....
  2. .....the gambler understands. Huskers are a dog tonight. Probably the first of many games this season they find themselves in this position. If Rivers in on the shelf, things look bleak. But you just never know. I think there will be some Devaney Center magic this season. Could come this evening. Basketball games remembering Joe Cipriano don't suck. Maybe Tim Miles will fire off a starter's pistol tonight..... GO BIG RED! Is it just me, or does the 2002 Ann Wilson look a lot like Andre Almeida? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTb-m_GZWk4&feature=related
  3. That's the saddest part of this story. They used her mom's maiden name for her middle name. Wait for it...... Moore.
  4. Yep. That was Mr. Aphrodisiac. Nice to see you here, Cousin Mose. Beware the silage chopper.
  5. I know there have been a few name changes that I haven't kept up with, but if he didn't change handles, Husker Cager hasn't made it here, yet.
  6. Professor Miles would tell his students not to write in such a way that makes the reader tilt his head to the right to be able to read what was written......
  7. I'll have a game thread, dimes. And for those who picked the chat room, I know where your kids go to school.
  8. 49'r, I see you didn't have the guts to post a Barry Manilow video.......
  9. Okay, I need everyone's help. What should we do with the Game Thread? Now that we have the gameday chat room, we don't need two forums to talk about the game. No need to divide the troops. So what should we do? The way I see it, we have three choices: 1) Time for the game thread to go bye bye. It has ran its course. If you decide this is the route, I will not take it personally. It's been a lot of fun the last season and a half. 2) 49'r had a good suggestion turning the game thread into a pregame thread. Everyone can still post videos and have a good time getting fired up for the game. 3) Go with both forums. The drawback to the chat room is it's not video friendly and there isn't a thread to check when you want to see what the talk was during the game. People have commented how they liked to go back and read the posts of a game that they couldn't follow online (home games, working, etc). There are pros and cons both ways. This isn't a big deal, but I'd like to get everyone's feedback before Thursday's game. Thanks in advance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi1r_DjDr9w
  10. Not a bad idea, 49'r. I'll start a thread to get everyone's opinion, and we'll go the way the board chooses.
  11. Huskers up 31-25 at half. Hey, everyone needs to go to the chatroom for the game. No reason to make things confusing. It's been a blast!
  12. Talley has a nice game going.
  13. Huskers up 20-14. If this was last year, I'd think it was halftime..... Except for the Huskers up part......
  14. I don't know. I asked dimes if he still wanted me to do these and he said yes. It's overkill to me. I see no reason to have a thread if there's a chatroom. Whatever. I'm easy.
  15. 9-0 Huskers. Nice start!
  16. For the trivia geeks, Dylan Talley scores the first points in the Tim Miles era. (3 Point play).
  17. I'm looking forward to hearing Tim Miles on the pregame show. It would be classic if he answered Kent's first question with "Again"....
  18. With a new coach, we draw better. 6495.
  19. .....of heartache, bang bang. Miles is the warrior. Okay, maybe Tim Miles looks more like a bespectacled Doogie Howser than he does William Wallace, but appearances can be deceiving. I really think Coach Miles is the right man at the right time for this Husker program. We all know this year has the chance to be pretty ugly win-wise, but I guarantee you Miles will make it entertaining. I'm going to enjoy the journey this year regardless what happens on the court. I also want to thank all the veterans out there for your service to this country. You are the TRUE warriors. Let's get a win tonight and get the Miles chapter in the Big Red basketball story started off on the right foot. Go Big Red! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIDaBF8LILk
  20. Good read. http://www.omaha.com/article/20121110/HUSKERS/711109847/1002#shatel-big-cheese-has-faith-in-husker-hoop-plan
  21. No, but I've sent really great tasting steaks, burgers and jerky via FedEx.
  22. Matt: I haven't seen the shot chart, but I do know 13 of the 28 shots were taken from beyond the arc. Don't really need to see the chart then, huh?
  23. I'm hoping everyone else is just really fast.
  24. This team will pull off at least one upset this year. (I'm not counting UNO as an upset.) Any guesses on who it will be? For some reason, I think it will be Creighton.
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