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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. We may have crossed paths, was there from the fall of 80 to Dec of 84
  2. Yeah and your point is???
  3. What years were you there?
  4. There was another player in the early 80's who transferred from Hastings to Kearney. Think it was Gregg Kay. We always loved singing "Going to Kansas City" at them too.
  5. Shim Shams rocking the Holiday half time show the other night
  6. Assume Palmer had his customary 3 charge calls on him too?
  7. NPT sydrome for just a moment.
  8. Was wine bottling night, so I missed it, did we win? If not Miles seat should be hot as hell!
  9. The old if you can't play basketball go to Hastings comes to mind
  10. So you are saying we are swingers?
  11. We were silly and used all of the slush fund on one guy and he didn't come.
  12. 30 plus years of marriage will do that, err wait, I think she knows my password here.
  13. Tough couple of games for ole CH
  14. The team THAT beat Crayton 78 Pistols firing 71
  15. Hope he didn't kiss anyone and thanks Bugeaters1
  16. Is there a reason Harris didn't play?
  17. He can't wear his sweater vest for the next year
  18. We are 2-0 when I pick against us. Screw the contest. I'm taking one for the team.
  19. Just a great win today. Glad the Monkey is off Miles back!!!!
  20. They have their own damn team and they are Bye Bye birdie too
  21. Lots of tears to ring out of the sweater vests tonight baby
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