Not sure if he is still reffing but a former co-worker who use do a lot of the large high school games, a lot of state tournament games here in Missouri and was dabbling in the small college level and I use to talk about how much the game has changed with regards to what got called. He told me he was flat out told if he called traveling (the catch the pass take two steps to set up and then another to start the move) he would not get work. It amazes me how much traveling, palming, double dribble as it was called when I was playing (yes years ago now) is allowed today. Add in what others have said here about the inconsistent calls on contact and the game has decline. There as always been contact down low but in today's game they bang way more than they up top and yet a hand check 30 feet from the basket is called a foul despite not changing the play while same contact down low is play on.
Okay, back to my coffee.