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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. If Markowski had made 2/3 of her short shots we are up big. Yikes
  2. 11 assists and 16 turnover, not a good ratio
  3. And just like that, back to sloppy and just bad shooting.
  4. Nice start to the half again.
  5. Thanks Don
  6. Okay pulled it up, 32% much better.
  7. Does that say we are shooting 12%
  8. NU 83 Bad Corn to the East 71 Fran goes Francon 1
  9. This team has me seriously believing I will be able to change my Avatar this year. It's been a long long long long wait, but I am really starting to believe we get the NCAA monkey off our back.
  10. tough f*cking defense. New basketball term Norm?
  11. Yes and Yes
  12. Not many times I am this damn happy to have been so wrong on the guess the score game.
  13. Halftime came at the worst time. We were hot, they couldn't throw the ball in the ocean.
  14. They don't miss from 3
  15. Holmes gets touched it's a foul, she knocks into someone play on. Starting to like her as little as Clark.
  16. A lot of ticky tack fouls on us, and not them.
  17. We have no answer for Holmes
  18. https://media.giphy.com/media/e3d4pLXBlLA9CQnYBZ/giphy.gif Dang it, can't remember how make this work
  19. Can we do with and without Mast, like above? With NU 82 IU 80 without IU 85 NU 72
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