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Everything posted by UnicamMan

  1. They were so close I could almost taste them
  2. Come on guys win it for me! Don't worry I won't cook it above medium rare.
  3. This is a bit more recent but I say the game against tOSU in the Big Ten tournament on March 14th 2014. The game after No Sit Sunday and we had a huge early lead on them only to blow it before going on to lose to Baylor in the NCAA. That was a great and fun season but it made No Sit Sunday the highwater mark of the season and Miles' tenure. If we had beaten Ohio St we could have made a run in the conference tournament and then probably got a higher seed and better matchup in the NCAA.
  4. I think we should just hire coaches and pay them by the win. Football $500,000/win Basketball $100,000/win
  5. Our first women's game of the year (hope we didn't jinx them) but it was a good fun game. Iowa shot lights out and the refs didn't give us any favors. It was fun basketball to watch for a change, good offensive movement from both teams. We just couldn't get over the hump.
  6. At Michigan Feb 1 (why not?)
  7. Getting frustrated with the food as well. I know it is not their fault as they are having trouble finding workers as well but there are no options and the lines are too long. Going to pick up fast food on the way home from work and eat super fast before heading back downtown for the game. So if I have indigestion I won't know if it is from the food or the way the team plays.
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