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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. Minnesota made a “splash hire” with Tubby Smith and he had a losing Conference record every year he was there. Look at the way Tim interacts with his players, represents this program and the State. Can you put a dollar amount on that? It’s a bottom line business, but I’d rather roll with him and this roster moving forward than assume more money & a “bigger” name is a cure all.
  2. As any good Nebraska fan knows, the Huskers are “on the bubble” when the season starts...
  3. Well Scheels has some Herbie Basketball ”merch” for the oh so reasonable price of about $35-50 a pop, but what I wouldn’t give for a Cliff Scales bobble head!
  4. As much as I would like to see this team play some more games for selfish reasons. We need to decline the bid, hold a Presser for Tim on Monday to release him and move on. He deserves at LEAST that.
  5. Peter’s statement is beyond ridiculous. YOU’RE the AD Bill, you need to be at the Bowl game, Volleyball tourney, & March Madness, period. He hides behind that laughable “Spring game” excuse so he wouldn’t be peppered with questions from the National media.
  6. I’ve said it before, Moos made up his mind on Miles a year ago. He couldn’t even be bothered to be there today because he had to attend a “Spring game”? Please... Not his sons game in the fall, but a “Spring game.” Why don’t you just man-up Bill and fire Tim on Monday? But that would be asking a lot out of our Ol Rancher wouldn’t it? Like they say in Nuckolls County, he’s all hat & no cattle...
  7. We had that one point lead & then went ice cold.
  8. On the Bubble? There’s NO WAY there are 64 teams better than this squad!
  9. Their shits scared, no one can hang with Glynn, Jim, Roby
  10. True that, hell I’m tired too & I’m just holding down a barstool.
  11. You should’ve buried us when you had the chance Bucky...
  12. Gotta get it with in 10 by halftime
  13. AND a 4 point play, need to hang around until halftime
  14. Gotta weather the storm... keep em close
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