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Everything posted by atskooc

  1. Watch when Parker has the ball I don't think I've ever seen it that bad. At least guys will close out a bit on Parker. There was nothing there on Hawkins.
  2. Hawkins was the most unguarded college player I think I've ever seen on that possession! Gotta shoot it! Glad he finally pulled the trigger!
  3. There it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. How was that not a foul?
  5. Good defense wasted by giving up two o-boards.
  6. Does Hawkins have the guts to shoot?
  7. We need someone to make a play to keep the momentum.
  8. Getting the lead back would be nice.
  9. That was pretty crummy
  10. Tunnel Walk of Shame says: "We are a lot of different basketball teams all at the same time." That's not a bad way to put it.
  11. We've had some awfully nice defensive possessions in this game!
  12. Rik Smits reference...brilliant!
  13. Not that many Husker fans in Marysville, Kansas, sorry to say.
  14. I doubt I'll have even five parents tonight. Spring conferences are a total waste! /threadjack
  15. I have parent-teacher conferences tonight. Ugh...
  16. Yes, because that's how we should look at it. "Hey, we just beat a ranked team who has owned us in the past, but let's not storm the court because they may lose a few more games!"
  17. Can we lock this thread, please? I keep coming back into it thinking there might be something of value...but alas...
  18. Probably. It makes for good TV. Not what I want in my coach, but good for TV.
  19. This. Is. Awesome.
  20. Any news on the pennants in his basement?
  21. Must listen http://cdn.stationcaster.com/stations/kozn/media/mp3/Jan_28_Seg_3_On_Avery_Moss-1390917564.mp3 For better or for worse, it was Eichorst who made the decision. Interesting stuff, indeed!
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