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Everything posted by HUD

  1. I don't know if we have ever have had a better ambassador for our WBB. I say that in that she came here from halfway across the world and helped instill the chemistry that we now have and she did it with great class.
  2. No matter how much I dislike Iowa I can't suppress my admiration of Clark's play. Not her attitude but her play!
  3. Kate Cain and Natalie Romero each had one. Jaz was the first to have more than one as a husker . Men or women.
  4. Didn't Kate Cain have one?
  5. I don't know how many of you new that Kennadi got hurt in highly rated Southwest's soccer win over Omaha Marian last week. Was carried off the field as she got hurt right at the end. She is their leading scorer. Never heard anymore.
  6. Great measuring stick and learning experience. Will be interesting to see how Oreg. St. does against N.D. on a neutral site.
  7. Within the last year the NCAA added two limited assistant coaching positions to BB. We only filled one.
  8. We presently have 4 open scholarships with krull and stewart moving on.
  9. I saw that and he was pissed at her. Not the first time either.
  10. We do still have one open assistant coaching position.
  11. I was not able to listen to or watch the Oregon State game but thought I had it taped. But with ESPN switching networks all I got was a dog show. I have looked everywhere I can think of for a replay but can't find one. So reading the articles from the sports writers and reading all the blogs here I got a pretty good idea of what happened. We played pretty good defense but didn't get or take good shots on offense. Could one of you explain a bit why Alexis and Natalie were 5 out of 25. Off night? Poor shot selection? etc. Thanks.
  12. I followed Logan watching some of her games online after she committed to NU. I remember reading about her unusual foot surgeries thinking to my self that I hope her high school injury issues don't follow her to college like Taylor Kissingers did. I remember Amy saying something after she got here about making sure she was fully recovered but didn't go into more detail. I thought maybe her slow start was due to limited conditioning opportunities and the jump from high school to college. She is obviously a big cog in our teams future and hope all goes well for her during her recovery.
  13. That was one hell of a game to watch right down to the end. Big plays by players on both teams. Iowa state's great point guard Emily Ryan playing her last game after 5 years had 36 points. She is from Kansas and almost came to NU. NU and Iowa St. were her final two choices.
  14. I look at it as a great measuring stick and learning experience.
  15. A win would be nice especially on their court. But if not I would be happy with our season looking at it as a nice stepping stone to the future. We hit several milestones this year as well.
  16. If we were to play TCU and Kansas now it would be a lot different result than losing to them when we did.
  17. One of the many things that ticks me off about the whole thing is the timing. Especially for Men's and Women's BB. Both programs doing well right now and just before the men's Big Ten Tourney. It just sucks all the air out of the room. Which is self centered bullshit on his part.
  18. Very interesting.
  19. Be nice to get a post with two or 3 years left. Potential to back up Markowski for a year and then take over for 1 or 2 years after that. My way out hope was Mendelson would be that person by giving up VB and concentrating on BB. Not to be. But Huskerpapa is right. We are getting a whole lot more attention lately from our latest games but also including how positive women sports are treated at NU by the university and the teams fans.
  20. Two newbies would be great. That would keep our roster at 12 or 13 for next year.
  21. It is what it is. Can't change the past but you can sure learn from it which I think we did. Played much better after that and what a great learning lesson for future teams. I think the sad feeling after the recent Iowa loss as Terry Pettit noted will also be a catalyst leading to future improvement if handled right. Our recruiting opportunities are improving as well as our player development which I give some credit to our new assistant coaches. And yes I think Trev had a bit not do with that upgrade just like he did in FB and Mens BB.
  22. I guess it all depends on ones definition of relevant. We are in an upgrade position this year and I would be happy to make the tournament and win a game which is something we haven't done for ten years when we beat Fresno St. in the first round and lost to BYU in the second round. One step at a time. Next year be in the top 20 both ratings and net and I am a happy camper.
  23. I'm not sure but I think they corrected that statement and it may be down to two players.
  24. Net is at 26 which is about where we were before our home loss to bottom feeding Rutgers.
  25. We haven't been much of a factor in the NCAA tournament for the past 10 years and Maryland obviously has been. Little by little we are starting to get a little more respect. Winning does that.
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