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Everything posted by royalfan

  1. I agree, I don't think Warriors are better without Durant(assuming they don't have other people with that massive amount of money, which they obviously would)
  2. Anyone else just hoping that nobody responds to this so they don't have to see Barry Collier name anymore? I hated his coaching and I really hated his horseshit NIT selection committee chair job, that nearly had us missing that tourney as well.
  3. Wasn't Perry checking him primarily(with a lot of help)? Talk about the mismatch to end all mismatches.
  4. Really hurts Cleveland that Korver is rendered useless in this series. He simply cannot check anyone on the other side, even a little bit.
  5. It is the NBA's fault. They have made it far too easy for these superteams to be created. Bad for the game. NFL has it correct.
  6. Watching film he has very similar traits to his brother Christian. That is a good thing by the way.
  7. Well Houston had one of the best defenses in the country and had a lot to do with that. Full disclosure, I may still be bitter as I may have owned houston in an auction with over a million dollar pool. It was a tough one to swallow the way it went down.
  8. shaq was amazing, no question
  9. Not sure what era dean is talking about but Zone was certainly not used often in the Jordan Reggie Miller etc era. Was so easy to identify illegal defense. You couldn’t play zone. You couldn’t even double a guy until he got the ball which guaranteed a second or two of one on one coverage and is a huge reason why Jordan was so good. He dominated those second or twos.
  10. They had Michigan beat in the tourney. Nobody else could do that up until Houston did it.
  11. I am amazed that Vegas made it this far.
  12. Yes, that nsaa system needs some serious work. Especially, in football where there are less games and fewer quadrants.
  13. I love throwback idea of simply coming up with a formula that will weigh exactly how good or bad a win or loss is instead of some arbitrary range. If this were done and was based on a combination of metrics there would be less ways for the committee to confuse themselves, which is what happened last year. They wanted to go away from rpi but developed a quadrant system that put more weight on it than before, and they got too caught up in it. Bilas is smart(even if not as smart as he thinks) and he flat out said that this quadrant system is silly in many occasions and that it doesn’t make any sense. Why? Because it uses rpi, which doesn’t make any sense.
  14. Also mentioned that we hire consultants. I wish he would hire a panel of some of us with strong math backgrounds that understand basketball as well. We could nail this I presume.
  15. Darn was hoping something would develop there. Seemed like a great fit.
  16. Teams were limited in how you could defend back when Jordan played. Was much harder to double schematically. Fairly easy bron call for me as goat.
  17. Because making a run to the elite 8 or something awesome would do wonders for our brand and possibly allow us to take things to a level which match our elite facilities and fan base. A player that can help us do that is much more important than making the expected fall the following year a little less bad.
  18. Certainly agree. The one positive thing from our perspective is the institution involved. It is one of tremendously high standards. There is potentially a large window of reasons for the revocation that most of us would be fine with.
  19. Well even Kerr said that the other team has a player playing at a level that may have never been seen before.
  20. I take all the way through the Boston series to mean throughout the playoffs. If someone says he was atrocious in the Boston series I would know they meant the Boston series. Bottom line is Korver has been instrumental in them getting to this point. Wouldn’t be here without him and this is a slightly better matchup offensively , albeit still not a good one for him defensively obviously.
  21. Korver has been excellent in the playoffs. He didn’t match up well with Boston at all and played sparingly. They don’t get out of the Indiana series without tremendous play by Korver.
  22. Smith is a willing defender. That is main reason he gets so many minutes on this flawed defensive team.
  23. What pisses me off is that you can somehow review a block charge judgement call in that spot, but when James goaltended olidipo game 5 with a second left and they missed it, it was not reviewable, and that isn’t even a judgement call, as it either hit the backboard first or it didn’t. Indiana got robbed of a close out home Game 6, which they win by 30 in the non close out.
  24. Wrong. A neutral court game that we have many advantages plays very well in the metrics systems that the selection folks misuse.
  25. Perfect. Want teams that are young in non conference.
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