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Everything posted by cipsucks

  1. Tom Shatel talked some about the show in his column this morning.
  2. Sorry if this has already been posted, the Huskers will be one of the programs featured on BTN's The Journey tonight following the Michigan State game. Here's the link about the show.
  3. There are lawyers posting on this board? Yeah, right. Next thing you'll try to tell me is there are doctors here, too......geesh.
  4. And playing in the Postseason While I was trying to figure out the new fangled editing gadgets, cwg beat me to the draw. Story of my life....
  5. Okay, since I'm now on the defensive side of the discussion, the original poster said by his count, Biggs would serve a minimum of a 6 game suspension. HB, you then chimed in that you hoped he made it through his suspension, however many games that ends up being. cwg then asked if you heard what you posted at the recent Big Red event. I then said I'd be surprised and disappointed if that conversation happened at that gathering. The fault in this misunderstanding lies with me. I didn't clearly read HB's original post. I thought he was talking specifics. He wasn't.
  6. If the coaching staff was involved in the discussion, I'd be both surprised and disappointed.
  7. Why does someone who says he graduated from Chadron State give a rats ass about an injured Nebraska basketball player? He then rues the day said basketball player didn't play for Creighton. It so upsets him he has to post his feelings on a Nebraska basketball message board he promised never to visit again. He hates Nebraska football because the media ruined it for him. Yet, here he is on a Nebraska Basketball message board. A cry for help? It might be time to reach out.....
  8. Saw Kenny Bell out and about last night, rocking the Adidas attire from head to toe. I wanted to go up and ask him whether he thought shoe affiliation was an important deal but I just don't like bugging local sports people when they're on their own time. Seems like an intrusion into their personal space, if you will. But I can tell you this much: He wasn't wearing football shoes and he wasn't wearing Nikes. When he's on his own time, he can wear whatever he wants to and he was wearing Adidas. You really checked out what kind of clothes Kenny Bell was wearing? I'm guessing you were having a Brent Musberger moment....
  9. Fitting song, jimmy with Zevon talking about the EE. We could sure use him about now...... Zevon hated Linda Ronstadt's cover of this song. He said he would never give her the permission to record another of his songs again. Sucks about Brandon. Hope he gets back and plays yet this year. He is definately one of the good guys.
  10. Let's not overreact, silverbacked.....
  11. In retrospect, Danny should have made Ramos run a lot of laps. Followed by cold showers......
  12. Completely agree. Those shoes are so bad. The baseball shoes that they make are even worse. It's like walking on plywood when wearing the shoes. This just might provide the "in" that Dr. Scholl's has been looking for in this market.....
  13. I disagree. Most times, moral victories really suck. Not tonight. Tonight's performance shows this team they can play with the best in this conference. This game can be a building block. Sorry, still a bummer. We played a nice game...but I can certainly see areas where (with just slight improvement) we could made a major difference. That is frustrating, and I know that will frustrate the team and coaching staff. When you are not as talented, it is the little things that make a major difference. All it takes is one player not boxing out, or a missed free throw or a bad pass here or there. Yes, we looked much better than expected, but again, that simply creates frustration for me...what could have been. The players and the coaches see the same thing. That's why they will work harder and use this game as a building block.
  14. I disagree. Most times, moral victories really suck. Not tonight. Tonight's performance shows this team they can play with the best in this conference. This game can be a building block.
  15. It's because Kenneth refused to go with an 8 man rotation.....
  16. Do you got some sugar in your tea?
  17. The Huskers have done a good job tonight rebounding on Michigan missed free throws.
  18. Down 9. If they get up double digits, it could go down hill quickly....
  19. 15:45 mark and we're holding our own. Only down 6.
  20. If it's a rusty nail, I say drink it!
  21. Okay, here comes the run. Nip it in the bud!
  22. Don't listen to him. He's a moron.
  23. I do not think we can score 47.... maybe we get hot though. Expect another ugly, slooowww paced half. How do you know we weren't the 63?
  24. Moral victory. Only down 5 at half. You know Michigan will come out looking for blood in the 2nd half. Keep them in check for the first 5 minutes and maybe this one could stay close......
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