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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. Who does Water coach?
  2. Honestly good to you, not to me. I would love to see a nice run again this week.
  3. Read elsewhere Brady Heiman is out for tomorrow.
  4. And whoever wins the coaching change contest is going to get some mighty fine steaks.
  5. I expect that from Misery fans.
  6. You don't keep them at Conlee's in case of a Zombie attack?
  7. Would be okay with that, just would need a couple others on the bench that recruit like hell.
  8. Was one of Doc's draw backs his poor recruiting? If he comes back as an assistant it must be due to X's and O's
  9. Kudos to Tim if he knew. He coached his backside off last week.
  10. True but that would be true of ANYONE that came in and won.
  11. Guessing there didn't connect when it was clear or likely that he would be let go. A lot of that connection, if not all of it, was when things were going well. It was after they connected the air came out of the tires.
  12. So IT'S Moos going to UCLA and not Fred
  13. Ruck I don't always agree with what Norm says or most any other poster here. I do try when I disagree (doesn't always happen) to not down vote them or get into a childish name calling game for their view (unless it just really warrants it) but to explain my view in a civil manner. I think the thing that gets newbies on here in trouble is when they come in with the I know something and when questioned on it (as was pointed out it has happened many times over the years) and they get their undies in a bunch and tell others they are wrong. I don't know if you know Tim or a good friend of his. Guessing what got folks on here riled up was the response given when they asked how you knew or questioned what was said. I would prefer you not lurk but post.
  14. Well he had to change his name too or he would have been quicker.
  15. Damn Norm now you have to change your name on here to the Great Norm Peterson.
  16. THIS 100 times over. As fans should we not be happy we get to watch at least 1 more game? I know I am. If what at least one poster here says and we do have our next coach lined up, let the kids play. Do any of us really think that 7 to 14 days is going to make that much of a difference for the next guy?
  17. Handy while I agree 100% he could have adjusted his schedule and so help me if he hires Ernie Kent I will drive to Lincoln and kick him in the man parts, but I will NOT ever bash the guy for watching his sons game, practice or not. I did not miss one purple and gold scrimmage be it volleyball or baseball while my kids were in high school. Yes a practice is all it was but I was there. Bill did the right thing going to watch.
  18. Agree he should be #1 priority followed by making sure Green sticks. However, part of the game when there is a coaching change and the said kid likes the coach he committed to.
  19. What I said in different words right after the announcement. Agree 100% Norm.
  20. Well I did talk briefly with Danny Nee at Chucky Cheeses one night and learned absolutely nothing other than he was having as much fun there as I was.
  21. Attendance would be factored in IF it were an issue. Right now it isn't one. If Miles is gone, which I think by the wordage used in the statement by Moos is the case, it will be for not winning enough this year.
  22. I'd say improvement :)
  23. The deal for me is this. If Moos fires Tim - which I think based on how things are playing out will happen, I will understand given records and that the bench is short due to not getting bodies If Moos retains Miles I will understand given the injuries that plaque the team this year. Bottom line is who ever is our coach after Sunday or the end of the NIT run will have my support.
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