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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. So you're saying it could have been worse
  2. Really NU 75 Illinois wanna be version of NU 70 3
  3. Okay maybe it was discussed elsewhere and I mess. No Yvan last night even in mop up duty. He hurt or being told something?
  4. Idiots Out Wandering Around 92 Good Guys 71 4
  5. One thing all of those stats don't tell, is when he or other do one of the bad things. Yeah he could be .935 in some new metrics some geek thought up (for the record I am a science geek so calling others one is okay) but if the .065 comes in crunch time I don't care what the stat claims.
  6. don't have to be ashamed of the misguided shot I took, at the end of the line.......
  7. not saying you're wrong, I have no inside information but maybe Fred did tell Shamiel to stop and he did. I really hope Teddy finds what he is looking for and finds happiness in what sounds like a dreadful life for a good part of his youth. I hope he gets to live out his dream playing basketball at the next level. That said, the team showed Saturday night and several times this year we can be okay with out him.
  8. Do tell. Banton was playing poorly and got sat down a couple times. Stevenson has played poorly and sat. So it must be something else you're referring too?
  9. Dang 3 top 15 finishes this week and I still drop 2 spots. Well done others.
  10. Might as well dial this one in then.
  11. He pretty much got to do as he pleased whether he had to move someone or not.
  12. NU 73 Carl Spackler's Favorite Rodents 68
  13. Understand getting back on defense 100%, but other teams seem to see the value in second chances and send at least a few to the boards on the offensive end.
  14. With my skills, pretty much how I modeled my shot.
  15. Dang much better than I would have figured, we just seem to be one and one every dang trip.
  16. Asked elsewhere, are we the worst offensive rebounding team in the country?
  17. I argued early on Banton was our best PG. I take that all back, we run so much smoother when he is NOT running the point.
  18. Maryland 72 NU 54 Legs are gone
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