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Everything posted by PimpMario

  1. yep. I'm trying to convince my dad we shouldn't keep driving from Omaha until they can get it together
  2. 2 timeouts called in game.... that's something. at least he realizes it
  3. I'm not sure the diehards still number in the 6k but there is still a surprising amount of us who are masochists
  4. Fred politely asked why that wasn't over the back. we get no breaks and it doesn't seem like the Mayor cares.
  5. Feels like a must win. This season seems to balancing on the precipice. I'm going to the game tonight and riding up from Lincoln but I'm genuinely not excited.
  6. I think 0-5 is a distinct possibility. But you gotta expect we make some buckets one of these games so I am hoping we can get 1 of the 4 remaining.
  7. I'm done complaining about the any of the players. Hoiberg is easily our worst coach since Jerry Bush. He just seems so bad in game. Its like her forgot that its okay to call and timeout and coach college kids. All of our potential game ending possessions were expectedly bad; just like Husker football, I know if the game is close Nebrasketball will lose.
  8. I don't understand the Verge defenders. But I guess I should just blame Hoiberg for his inability to recruit a point guard.
  9. I'm going to try to get UNO tickets.
  10. this post has so many similarities to me it hurts. just know you are not alone. if this board can't be used to vent frustration than I don't know what it's point is
  11. that's just not true. we have 4 good freshmen and some others who will have more eligibility
  12. sit verge and anyone not willing to come back next year and start building. we need to get guys playing in the system
  13. why call timeout now when the game is out of reach? you had your timeouts all half
  14. after the first half it's abundantly clear which team better coached. we were able to throw in some 3s to claw back but we gotta get better
  15. thank you Webster! also Creightons ball swinging around the arch was a thing of beauty and discipline; hopefully we get there
  16. losing to Creighton is a monkey on the back. but I agree overall this season has started unbelievably bad.
  17. do you think pba can fit a rink?
  18. this looks like another losing season and no building for the future
  19. I'm so sick of getting boat raced by Creighton. this team needs some addition my subtraction.
  20. After two games I hate to even think it but this team might be better without him. Addition by subtraction.
  21. Yeah thats not going to work, it will just push some of the Jayskers on the edge to wear blue.
  22. They low down, they dirty, they some snitches.
  23. I can think of a solution for that.
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