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Everything posted by huskerhook

  1. The short shaved head guy is awful...if he is there and officiates at the same level as his previous games he will be catching an epic amount of HEAT! #nositsunday
  2. I would hope my produce is Creighton free... because the look of Creighton produce is pretty alarming. I'm just joking...i get your point
  3. As stated its and omaha bar/chain. Am surprised it would take a hard line in Lincoln especially in a place that does ok business because of its haymarket / PBA location When Im in town I don't go their but my father in-law always suggests it. Now I have a reason to say no. Win Win
  4. Nebrasketball realistically needed to go 3 and 1 in their last four to feel good about its chance. The loss to Illinois was that loss. NU needs to win its last two. Way to much had to go right otherwise. Just win baby
  5. I'm not seeing gtown as a tournament team. The win muddies the water I guess though. It will interesting to see how the selection committee views the new big east. they need a win vs. Nova to be even in conference and have some good wins and real bad losses. I don't see how this win makes them an equal or better candidate then nebrasketball. Creighton definitely has some stuff to figure out...which is amusing
  6. I would not trade being at the bob for the win against the hawks as it was my last bball game there. Still if people have not checked out the replay on btn2go they really should i think because it was a rescheduled btn just sync'd kent at Matt's voice over the game it was hilarious kent drops a bunch of classic "got it" one liners on made hoops and absolutely loses it in a good way after the Talley 3 BTN2go is fantastic
  7. Overall this team is starting to look serviceable they have come a long way since getting killed by osu probably wont win a bunch but we have a chance at a few more shields and rivers have really come along sure wish we had the first half of the Purdue game back
  9. WOW that is down there
  10. Webster's arrival really changes things. By playing this year Biggs has a chance to establish himself a little. If he waits and Webster turns out to be the player everyone thinks he can be then Biggs will be on an equal playing field with him. I thought he would shirt but I think he plays now.
  11. I actually think that we have had some pretty decent prospects at that position but because of our lack (or durability) of a true big man they have been asked to play out of position. Ubel would be a servicable pwr forward if he wasn't playing center all the time... not a world beater but solid. When you put him at center (5 spot) and ask him to guard and be guarded by another teams big man he kinda disappears. I think that could be said for others like QHC. Like the new board couldnt figure out what was going on for awhile
  12. http://huskerhoopscentral.activeboard.com/m776541/profile/
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