Icedraggon, can't believe I'm getting draged into this, but here goes ...
1. The dismal of Correy Hilliard. Where do you get the information that he wasn't involved? In the cell phone. And what makes you think that was the ony think he did wrong He had two thinks he did wrong and got in trouble with polise but you just heared one. So Miles had no choise in the mater. Correy had too go. If Miles just wanted to cleer space on his rooster, why din't he just get rid of David Rivers to?
2. Scheduling the Charleston Classic. I agree this was bade because playing good teams a the Charleston classic helped our rpi and make us look better now since we didn't win all the games. but beat Georgia and lossed to Massachuets. So really that helped are rpi now but that only helps if we make the dance or the INT. So if we win few more games then that was good that we went at Charletson because it helps our SOS but if we don't win few more games then we don't have to make NCAAs and then that's bad. So that's bad because we could have won better against badder teams and give us a good record that has bad SOS all over it. So maybe it was good going to charletson.
3. Not excepting trounemant offer. Well, you half to remember it was not the same team last year that it is this year. If we had went to trounement like CIB lsat year its Ubel playing and we play 7 guys and the only guys coming back from that group were benny Parker and Rivers and Ray and the tall guy who doesn't play to much. And shavon. Shields. So it probably doesn't help to much that we play in a trouenemtn last yaer If we could have played last year with Petway and Pitchford and Tai and al the knew guys, then playing in CIB would have been gooder than not but since we didn't have them I guess not.
4. Deverell Biggs. You want to reserve judgment? REally? Why? You already said it was wrong to dismiss Hillyerd but not Biggs? Hillyard didn't do anything for us He just played few minutes frehman year. but Biggs scored points and so he ment something on this team. If Miles didn't have reason to dimiss Hilyerd (2 criminal complaints) then why could he dismiss Biggs who only had one that he was given more hcnance after that. Makes no since. I think miles shuld have dimissed both Hillyard and Biggs because he was right to do it. And thay did wrong stuff to so they should go.
tHe brilliancyness of this is estoundeng