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Everything posted by Bugeaters1

  1. You didn't act like you were downing so she had to save you did you?
  2. Creme has us playing UNLV.
  3. They lost by 1 or won by 1?
  4. Jazz on the radio https://1620thezone.com/2024/03/12/jaz-shelley-joins-the-show-2/
  5. Does coach Keller have a good argument here?
  6. It was a season that no one thought was possible. And we get a top 4 seed in the B1G tourney and the first win in Huskers' history at Michigan.
  7. Since it's the firing season, it's time to start watching the transfer portal.
  8. I seen that, But I posted it in the media thread. But I can move it in to here as well.
  9. https://redcircle.com/shows/ef904a6c-3c2d-4525-8b8b-aaecd1de628c?_gl=1*xmbk3i*_gcl_au*NDE4MDg4MDM5LjE3MDAwODQ2MTE.*_ga*MTIyMjE4NTAwNC4xNzAwMDg0NjEy*_ga_KVZ47LYJWW*MTcwNDQ2NTI2MC43LjEuMTcwNDQ2NjUyNC4wLjAuMA.. Scroll down to the fifth one on the menu.Fast forward to 3 miinutes for the women talk.
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