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Everything posted by Bugeaters1

  1. So one ref had a foul and one had a travel. how do the refs know that the travel over rukes a foul call?
  2. Officials: Kelly Pfeifer, Chad Barlow, Jourdan Love
  3. I just checked the report again. And Burt is out. https://assets.contentstack.io/v3/assets/bltca750cef518bc6e4/blte454a70a7d57a0b3/MBB Availability Report - Week 1.pdf
  4. I checked the availability report, and there weren't any or no questionables on it unless it's a little too early yet. Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
  5. Looks like everyone is good to go tonight.
  6. Quincy Jones is done at 91
  7. Final stats https://storage.googleapis.com/huskers-com-prod/2024/11/04/QdVzNwGqKvAInicZucXJEVb2eBQgHnOtonsJEOUw.pdf
  8. POGO sticks will be the halftime entertainment for tonight's game.
  9. Officials: Chuck Gonzalez, Tiara Cruse, Xiomara Cruz-Johnson
  10. Haven't seen the bigs drive to the hole like this before.
  11. It's finally game day.
  12. You will be able to watch it from the beginning. It will also be available on the replay side as well. Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
  13. 12-0 is the conf. record.
  14. I think she's going to surprise a lot of people this year. Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
  15. I think I figured it out, i didn't have the smart pricing toggle button clicked to the smart pricing.
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