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Everything posted by cozrulz

  1. Illinois gets Indiana. Next game Penn State vs. Michigan
  2. Wow! Illinois wins at the buzzer. Great game 1 for the tournament.
  3. tied at 49 19.3 seconds left, 11 on shot, Minnesota ball
  4. Don't like that call.
  5. 6 minutes to go. Game has gotten fast. Minnesota 47-46
  6. Minnesota keeping Illinois in the game with a couple sloppy offensive possessions. 41-36 Minnesota
  7. Doc took a pretty good base to nothing so whatever. Will be funny when Self hands him the crystal ball and he is amping up the players.
  8. 32-29. This should be good down the stretch.
  9. Minnesota trying to comeback. 32-26 Illinois
  10. Here is the tournament thread. So far Illinois looking pretty good. Or Minnesota looking bad. Should be a good tournament. Any chance Omaha will ever get the basketball tournament? This post has been promoted to an article
  11. Here is the tournament thread. So far Illinois looking pretty good. Or Minnesota looking bad. Should be a good tournament. Any chance Omaha will ever get the basketball tournament?
  12. CBI would be awesome. The more basketball for the Huskers the better. I don't care about some unwritten Big 10 rule that probably will not last.
  13. that White kid better take off that arm band; cutting off circulation
  14. I guess send in the bench.
  15. don't look towards Iowa. Look towards the top.
  16. Hopefully Gallegos can shoot like this throughout next year.
  17. that was a bad decision to even be pushing it
  18. What is with this announcer? I usually don't notice but man...Iowa mark.
  19. that's what I was thinking
  20. Almeida is too slow inside.
  21. sick of hearing ring it up
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