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Tom Jones

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Everything posted by Tom Jones

  1. Here is glimpse of the abilities of next year freshman Amiah Hargrove - from what i think was her last HS game. Length, strength, speed, and confidence is what I see. https://youtu.be/p5TcBbbIbgI?si=x7DwpIopzF__9pzc
  2. Right. and she knows that. Doubt that she wants the asterisk next to her name in the record book.
  3. There is another factor which I don't believe has been discussed. CC, I believe, likes to pursue and set records. She has done all she can at the collegiate level. It's quite plausible that her next record quest will be in the WNBA. And she knows that her years in professional sports, as with all athletes, are limited. Therefore, one more year spent in NCAAA necessarily means one year less in the WNBA - which limits the amount of time for record setting there. I think she moves on.
  4. so many informative, insightful, and entertaining posts here. Thanks everybody. I have only two observations to add. 1) CC's foul on Nissley happened right in front of me. After the call she did that rolling her eyes thing like "what?? me foul, I don't foul". Seldom will a ref have an easier call than that one - she so clearly swept across Nissley's arm. When I watched the reply I was glad to hear the announcers call CC out on that - commenting on how obvious it was. 2) Iowa's next to last inbound - the on which Stuelke got the easy lay up - unless the ref did not signal the ball in play for quite a while after handing it to the inbounder, that was def a five second violation. The two points that followed should never have happened.
  5. I think RedSteve's post was a clever and stealth pat on the backs of the coaching staff - an acknowledgement of the success of a coaching decision. The post invites the reader to consider the possibilities of who might have devised the plan and ordered it into action ... and then to conclude that only the coaching staff could have done so. That's the way I took it. But I am no genius.
  6. Talk about icing on the cake! And man oh man would that fill a gap. Next year the Huskers lose Shelly and White, each with five years of maturity and playing experience, and possibly Krull with four. We all hope for the best with Weidner, but post surgical status on both knees is a worry. Yes, there is talent on the way, but bringing in talent + experience (and another 3 pt sharpshooter) would come in handy.
  7. Basketball games are 40 minutes long. Iowa led for 39 minutes and 29 seconds. That's not quite long enough!
  8. Should be able to find a place for her ...... https://www.google.com/search?q=mckenzie+mathurin+basketball+highlights+2023&sca_esv=a257d4f8dec7e666&source=hp&ei=9_DHZbOuLIugkPIPmKWu2As&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZcf_BzKvaSqWOMOzOlTo00anZpgS5MMb&oq=mckenzie+mathurin+basketball+highlights&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IidtY2tlbnppZSBtYXRodXJpbiBiYXNrZXRiYWxsIGhpZ2hsaWdodHMqAggBMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGJ8FMgUQIRifBTIFECEYnwUyBRAhGJ8FMgUQIRifBUiXgwFQvAdYp0ZwAXgAkAEAmAH-A6ABxByqAQswLjEuNi4zLjEuMbgBAcgBAPgBAvgBAagCCsICEBAAGAMYjwEY5QIY6gIYjAPCAhAQLhgDGI8BGOUCGOoCGIwDwgIFEAAYgAQ&sclient=gws-wiz#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c037bd98,vid:uQhi6pqJrPI,st:0
  9. i wonder if Clark will intentionally score less than 39 at PBA tomorrow so that she can break the record at home in front of her own fans against Michigan.
  10. Tix on CraigsList are posted for $1000 each. This is fantasy, right? Is anyone actually buying tix at that price?
  11. what to me is the problem area is 31.1% shooting percentage on 3 point shots. As much as the Huskers depend on hitting from beyond the arc, that has to improve if we want to climb the standings ladder.
  12. Right. I watched her against Indiana. She took a not much more than ordinary bump in the midsection while securing a rebound. A few seconds later she fell to the floor, doubled over in pain, and wore a look of it being excruciating. And 60 seconds later she was back running the court.
  13. i will be there. Thanks for the alert. Now I will be sure to bring my barf bag.
  14. Markowski 4 for 14 with 7 or 8 of the 10 misses having been really good looks. Is it time to move away from the lob in passes to her? I mean the last few games (at least) her conversion percentage is so low that her shots are almost like turnovers. time after time after time after time the ball lingers on the rim and falls out. Just one of the misses by either her or Jazz and the Huskers would probably have escaped. But hard to beat a team shooting 60% overall and nearly 50% on 3s
  15. This is from the UNL Game Day/Game Notes for today's game. Really interesting to see season stats for Hake. "Callin Hake is proving herself as one of the Big Ten’s most improved players from a year ago. The 5-8 sophomore from Victoria, Minn., already owns more points (+10), assists (+27), free throws made (+18), rebounds (+20), steals (+7) and blocks (+1) than all of last season in 18 fewer minutes. She is also shooting 45.8 percent (27-59) from three-point range while averaging 6.9 points per game compared to 4.3 points per game last season."
  16. i agree with all of this. I watched LSU vs Miss St and I hope our coaches have time to take a look. Somebody is driving to the basket and either finding a shot or kicking out on almost every possession. I know that the Huskers don't have the kind of athletes that I saw in that game, but neither are we playing against so many of them. Seems like we could mix double or triple the drives to the hoop and just see what happens.
  17. oh, surely not. if they were, the coaches would be expressing their frustration that players are not following instruction. I believe that the players are playing as they are coached.
  18. as does White
  19. Easy on the ref's over on this side. You will be told that they did a good job. REF'S SUCK ASS!!! Yes, I am going to stand up for the refs once again. I know that the number of fouls called will never tell the whole story, but it's worth pointing out that fouls today were evenly divided between the teams. The chief reason that that statistic can be misleading is because it ignores the possibility that one team was more physical/aggressive than the other. I did not see that today. But, wondering if bad reffing is just escaping my perception, I watched the entire game again and replayed every call - every single call - that seemed in any way questionable. There were four or five that could be questioned but those were evenly divided, and IMO, Iowa has a better case for complaining than do the Huskers. Some fouls occurred in an area not on the TV screen at the time so none of us can comment on those. Often on here there are "bottom line" statements that the refs did a poor job, but seldom are these assessments supported by any specific examples. For today's game, if anyone has examples of particular calls that seem wrong, feel free to identify them and I will look again. I have seen every game this year and cannot recall any whose outcome seemed to have been the result of bad officiating.
  20. Refereeing basketball is a very difficult chore. I do not believe the conference intentionally hires incompetent or prejudiced officials. The conference hires the best it can find And I think that with very rare exception officials do the very best job they can. They contend with a few obstacles. For one, they have to make split second decisions. We get to watch the slow mo replay, they don’t. Also, I truly believe that spectators sitting in the lower rows, and sometimes all of us on TV, have a better view of the action then do the officials standing within a few feet of the play. And application of so many of the rules is so judgmental. It would be unreasonable to expect 100% of decision-makers on judgmental matters to all agree with each other. It would be an interesting experiment To show video of 25 or so charge/block close calls to 100 officials and see how often 90% or more of them come down on one side. Sure there are going to be errors This is inevitable. For example the charging call on Markowski was egregiously wrong. But I find myself agreeing with the vast majority of calls and very seldom have I seen erroneous calls on one team badly out of proportion to its opponent.
  21. i want to see something offensively other than 1) throwing to AM in the lane and 2) just coming across the center line, making two or three passes and then casting up a three. That is pretty when it works but it can't be counted on working. And when it doesn't it sets us up for getting far behind real fast.
  22. I think I do But please let's keep the focus here on what the members say ... rather than on the knowledge or intelligence of those who say it. There is so much ad hominem in this world already, please let's not let it in the door here.
  23. yes, there is some of that. I think most of the bad mouthing is about her lack of any punch offensively and that certainly is a fact and therefore a fair point. As for me, I am impressed with her defensive play and trust that the coaching staff knows far far more than i do about the extent to which she contributes.
  24. she is a four-star recruit ranked No. 55 in the USA by ESPN and #39 by Prospects Nation so probably not.
  25. If "in the circle" means the restricted area ... it doesn't matter anymore. As of this season it is irrelevant.
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