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Tom Jones

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Everything posted by Tom Jones

  1. Yeah, but I doubt that Lisa ever learned to share and would not be surprised if she took two.
  2. did anyone notice if Prince was at Iowa's big "Crossover" event yesterday?
  3. who, WHO, WHO (on this side of the border at least) would disagree with this?
  4. Hasn't practice already started? EDIT: Oh I see ... you are talking HS BB practice - I was thinking UNL. So ... Nevermind
  5. will someone remind her please .... it's October now
  6. and here it is ..... https://journalstar.com/sports/high-school/basketball/girls/elkhorn-norths-britt-prince-narrows-college-choices-to-11-including-nebraska-creighton/article_987f147c-2dcb-5371-b820-7e2b092622c1.html#tracking-source=home-top-story The optimist in me says ... "so we have a chance". But pessimist in me noted right away a dreaded four letter word among the 11 finalist schools.
  7. Cave: you made no mention of AW. Do you have an opinion on that?
  8. Now I am NOT being critical of BP taking her time to decide what is best for her future. But at the same time, there is another dimension to this long delayed decision that is easily overlooked. Most of the schools who have offered her are saving a scholarship just in case she chooses them and probably most have her penciled in as their # 1 choice for PG. And each of those schools has a second most desired prospect whom they would move up to #1 if BP doesn't choose them. And all of those #2 back up choices have offers from several schools and probably a favorite school. So if, for example, Iowa really really wants BP but if they can't get her, they want Suzy Second Choice and Suzy really wants Iowa but Iowa hasn't offered yet, but her second choice, Iowa State, has offered but they also have their eye on Trudy Third Choice and if Trudy accepts at ISU and BP chooses Iowa, then Suzy has missed out on her top two choices .... and on and on. ... Point is that the plans of a lot of schools and a lot of players are on hold and a lot opportunities will go poof if this decision isn't made soon.
  9. I thought that last year was her Covid year. She will be competing against opponents as young as 18 .... maybe even 17. Four prior years of competition already, a red shirt year, must be two waiver on injury years - these would add up to the seven years behind her. She received her graduate degree from UNL in May of '22 so will be two years into her PhD studies when next season is over.
  10. four of the 13 leaving after next year pretty much guarantees continuing under usage of the 15 scholarship limit. I mean I can't imagine a recruiting class of six. Unless there is greater use of future portals, NU will be short staffed for a long time.
  11. Two transfers? TWO? I have been out of the country for the past two weeks. I tried to keep up remotely, but I guess I missed something. White I know about but who is the second transfer?
  12. I get conflicting info from two wed sources. The first says: Showing results for when does the women's basketball portal close Search instead for when does the womens basketball portal close Search Results Featured snippet from the web Under new NCAA rules instituted last summer, the spring transfer portalwindow for college women's basketball opened Monday, March 13, the day after Selection Sunday. The window runs for 45 days through April 26. Another says: There’s a “window” for the time for players to officially enter the NCAA Basketball transfer portal for the different sports seasons, with winter athletes (basketball), having 60 days to enter after the conclusion of the regular-season/conference tournaments. So for the men and women, the deadline would be May 11th. So which to believe?
  13. I believe that today is the last day that a NCAA women's basketball athlete can enter the portal. If we haven't heard anything by midnight, then the entire last year team (Brady & Dillard ???) has decided to stay put. As Neb Nets points out, that is quite a tribute to the culture and morale within the program.
  14. I understand underwhelming. Hard to see her as the propulsion that will rocket us to the top. But look at it this way .... last season the Huskers began with three ball handlers - Haiby, Shelley, and Wiedner. it was going well, but hit a bump when Widener was lost and then another when Haiby went down. Against Kansas it was a weakness exposed. For next season we start with Shelley and a somewhat uncertain Wiedner. Could Hake for Haiby be an even or better than even trade? Probably not, at least not in 23-24. And, as the season goes on, if we lose any guards, the addition of White is going to look really good. And what is the down side? So far as I can see, absolutely none. She fills an otherwise empty chair and, having only one year to play, does not limit the ability to add recruits next year. Overall, I give this transfer two thumbs up.
  15. in a win against South Dakota State (who beat #8 USC in NCAA first round), White scored 16 pts with 7 assists and 8 rebounds.
  16. https://fremonttribune.com/sports/college/nebraska-women-add-montana-state-transfer-darian-white/article_fa3bb6c8-83b0-53d5-bc2d-e3fd2295c58f.html in a win against South Dakota State (who beat #8 USC in NCAA first round), White scored 16 pts with 7 assists and 8 rebounds.
  17. Is it reasonable to infer that this is a definitive indication that Dillard and Brady have no continued presence on this team?
  18. ummm, Griffin couldn't be turned into Hooper because Griffin came BEFORE Hooper.
  19. Hopes were answered with Shelley staying. Now we would need 3 to get to 15. But getting to 15 might involve a serious problem down the road. If everyone eligible to stay after next year actually stays, and if our imports have more than one year of eligibility left, then Shelley would be the only loss next year. And that would leave only one scholarship available for an incoming freshman in 24-25 and set us up for a massive exodus of this past season's sophomore class. Oh the complications of roster management in the portal era! With Shelley staying, perhaps the best portal option would a be a rebounder and the best player at any position we can find and leave another scholarship available for next years recruiting class.
  20. Here is an AMAZING statistic from the Iowa victory over SoCar. Total rebounds: Iowa - 25 and SoCar 49. Offensive rebounds: Iowa - 5 and SoCar 26! TWENTY SIX offensive rebounds! I doubt i have ever seen a team get out rebounded two to one and still win.
  21. Three guard system of Jaz, Weidner, and Moriarity? What about Krull?
  22. Wonderful Twitter post by Jazz. Shows that she is as fine a person as she is an athlete.
  23. I think the portal window closes on May 11 so there is plenty of time for players to continue to mull their options. There are lots of factors for any player to consider - especially needs that are created at other schools when their players transfer out. For example, a budding point guard might think, for myriad reasons, that the U of ArkanSota would be a great place for her, but notices that there are two experienced PGs already there so is discouraged. Then one of those transfers out thereby rekindling her interest. I don't think we are "safe" until May 12. This is a crazy player recruitment and retention world.
  24. dang! I take back much of what i said about her having been better behaved in that game
  25. Sorry, Neb Nets, but it's even worse than that. Clark has a Covid year in her gym bag. Should she choose to use it, TWO more years of torment lie in our path forward. She has a solid shot at outlasting Grassley and then asking Iowa to appoint her to his seat in the senate.
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