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Everything posted by cipsucks

  1. I apologize to Matt for thinking Norm's thread got deleted. I should have checked the other forums before I made my post. I said Norm deserved an apology because I thought his thread was deleted. I have no idea what Norm's political views are. I had no idea you down voted me when I started this thread. I don't check my responds. I truly don't care what you think. Comedians won't perform at colleges anymore. Wonder why?
  2. The obvious is someone who posts something you disagree with, you have the opportunity to tell them so. On this forum, it has always been pertaining to basketball. The down votes went towards the idiots, trolls and Husker haters that came on this board. Not so much anymore. We now have people that don't want to focus on basketball, but would rather down vote any social issue they disagree with. Shame on you. Get your focus back on the Huskers. I'm really disappointed the Chris Beard thread disappeared. Norm deserves an apology. I'm assuming this thread won't see the light of day. Once again, Go Big Red!
  3. Not in today's political climate. Especially in Austin, Texas. They'd fire him and dare him to sue. I have no idea what happened, but the woke culture has decided innocent until proven guilty does not apply anymore.
  4. Norm, with the recent slew of down votes you've received, you're either politically incorrect or Kidney hacked your account.
  5. Ahh, Bruce/Kaitlin Jenner. Makes sense.
  6. His name is I will do whatever you want.
  7. I assume Ohio State flies into Lincoln tomorrow. If the snow is significant, wonder what attendance will be? Maybe Barfknect will be there to give us a retired reporter's estimate.
  8. Carlos about 10 years later. Huskers need this as a theme song...
  9. You know, with all the connections Matt Rhule has brought in from Texas, including Susan Elza, hiring a coach from Texas might make sense. I know they are two different programs, but look how Danny helped T.O. get Donovan McNabb to Lincoln.
  10. This reminds me of something that happened outside Hampton back in the early sixties. We lived on a farm a mile and a half east of the town. Just a half mile west of us, lived an evil, evil woman and her daughter. I won't give names, but they were evil! The husband/father "committed" suicide by hanging himself in the barn with barbed wire. My dad actually found him hanging. Anyway, after his exit from this world, a hired man was brought on. Hormones got out of control, and low and behold, the daughter was with child. The evil woman castrated the hired man in his sleep. He later that year was in a car wreck and was decapitated. So, he almost lost two heads in the same year... My point of this story is, no matter how bad things appear to be in Husker basketball, we should be happy the team has balls to dribble.
  11. Kinda, sort of? Screw that. We win this bitch.
  12. Wouldn't be surprised if he has another one or two tonight.
  13. Derek Walker is a stud!
  14. Don't look now, he might.
  15. Walker needs about 40 points today.
  16. I'm sticking with the game being close at halftime. What the heck...
  17. Following this program for many decades, tonight's game has the feel of Nebraska being in the game at the half. No clue on what happens after that. Maybe Tim Miles will tweet something at halftime....
  18. Sorry Huskerpapa, I responded about Moe before I read the rest of the thread.
  19. And, technically, Moe also resigned.
  20. Miller, he was on my list and I got to typing... Cookie was phenominal. I remember Nee got in trouble for trying to play him x number of games before he shut him down. Nee did some bonehead stuff, but never a dull moment.
  21. Since we're watching Back to The Future, lets take the Delorean back to the year 2000. Had Danny Nee not been fired, he would have a team with Ffriend, Cochran, Bradford and Conklin on it. They would have made the tourney and maybe won a game or two, because he knew how to coach the style of play they would thrive in. Nee would have retired a few years later being a hero. We never would know the names Collier, Sadler or Miles. Instead, we got Collier who didn't know how to coach players he didn't recruit. He quit at a time where he screwed us to go after the best coaches. This is not a knock on Doc or Miles. This mess started long ago, which I'm sure everyone here agrees with.
  22. Jeff Beck cowrote this song with the Yardbirds. Seems kinda fitting for Husker BB.
  23. If losing Gary is apocalpytic, we'll have at least 4 horses to compete.
  24. no more predictions from me. Looks like a long second half....
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