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Everything posted by cipsucks

  1. Bugeaters1, I'll respond so you don't have to. Merry Christmas!
  2. I've shared this one before, but wow...
  3. Sorry bugs about timing of negative things that happen in our lives. Could be Christmas, maybe Independence Day, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick's Day, whatever. You have the choice to celebrate the meaning of the day. Right now, Seth is in the Buffett Cancer Center battling pneumonia. They suggested putting him on a ventilator today. I said no way. Not quite that politely. He's winning. It's all a matter of perspective. You can love Christmas and celebrate the real reason, or not, but here's the real reason for Christmas. Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!
  4. He takes heat from a few douche bags. Who cares? I don't include them in "we".
  5. I like this team. They win when former teams didn't win games like this. They have character.
  6. You might be right. That ankle sprain looked like my dislocation back in the early 80's. I was in a cast for 6 weeks. That guy has balls!
  7. This is too funny. Kent just said he hates media breaks. Who does he thinks signs his paychecks?
  8. What, 7 points for Tominaga this half?
  9. Here we go. It's time for Keisei to take over.
  10. Kent just said I smelled this coming. You know something, Kent, sometimes the words you speak, come to reality. Sometimes it best not to say anything. I will speak into reality, Nebraska wins by 15! GBR.
  11. Down 2. Time for a 10-2 run.
  12. Huskers are about to go on a 12-2 run.
  13. I've never understood negativity in life. It serves no purpose, except to bring defeat.
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