I've also wondered if Connie has some sort of speed/agility testing for these players? I will often use HS track and field performance as an indicator of overall athleticism on the court. Not only should a player have good basketball skills, but they should also have decent jumping and sprinting ability. For me personally, when I see a player runs the 800 in HS, that is a red flag because it tells me they probably don't have decent enough sprinting and/or jumping ability to compete with those types in their HS track conference. Hooper was a very good track athlete. KK Houser was also a very good track athlete and is in the all-time top 10 Nebraska chart for the hurdles I believe. Maddie Simon is also a good hurdler and I know she used to long jump and sprint when she was younger. Chloe Akin-Otiko is another potential recruit that has outstanding track and field ability, in addition to being a skilled basketball player. So for potential recruits that don't go out for track and field, is there any speed/agility testing for them?