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Everything posted by Silverbacked1

  1. Come on Talley keep me from being a drug addict
  2. I think I may need to main line Heroin if we lose this one. Thank you Ray
  3. Nope they were passing the whiskey bottle.
  4. Barkeep, more Nyquil for me and my men as we may need it to finish this game out.
  5. Well I'm thinking that we might be happy that there is only 4:11 left.
  6. Shavon was only trying to protect his bad elbow. And is Tim asking for holding?
  7. Then I could die because I would have seen everything. Almost too much to hope for. :wub: :wub: Sergi and 70 in one fell swoop.
  8. I am holding out for Sergei to get his first points AND rebound tonight. Which will easily make him POTG.
  9. And this might just be the Nyquil talking, but... could we see... a... Sergie sighting tonight and a Runza. If that happens Santa will have brought me all that I could ask for. :wub:
  10. I think my score pick is really going to suck tonight.
  11. Shavon with the drive. I REALLY think that is what we will see the next few years with the fighting Timmy Miles'. Oh my with the spin move.
  12. Looks like Peltz Mom might have caught the Oregon game, and said need a trim if your coming home for the Holidays. "You know what your father will say." or "Grandma is going to be here Tuesday night and you know what she will say."
  13. 0-3 from 3 in the first half. However... We see this and are going more inside against the smaller JSU team. Maybe starting to see how things work.
  14. Hate having a cold and having to watch at home. But it is nice to have Kevin with the play by play. Kind of knows what is going on, makes it easier to listen.
  15. The Cocks have gone cold, but we also have been playing better D.
  16. Can Shavon catch a break. And I don't mean that figertively.
  17. At times we look like we know what we are doing. Shavon to Ray with "and one"
  18. Shavon and Benny starting to see what the future looks like. Both driving well, Shavon with the finishes and Benny with the sweet dishes.
  19. Okay he is a 6-9 250 15 year old Freshman in High School. He will tend to be a bit slow and won't have the best ups. He more than likely is far from being physically mature. I know there are freaks of nature that are that big and can do it all at 15, Henry doesn't seem to be one of them. He is the third of three brothers that all seem to be over 6-9 and thinner than him. See article here: http://www.gopherhole.com/news_article/show/145631?referrer_id=388419 Also this from a Wisconsin message board: http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=193&f=2565&t=8931050 Sounds like brother is the more athletic and he is at Minnesota. Could be a good one to watch.
  20. Watching the Northwestern/Texas State game and the announcer said that Northwestern didn't practice Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of last week.(Yeah that is how he said it) They did practice twice on Saturday and Sunday. But wow that makes it tough to get any flow for a season. Never heard of that. I know NCAA says no games during finals week, but not to practice?
  21. I as a fat man, I will say that Andre is probably where his body is happiest. If you try to loose weight only to appease others it becomes even harder. Could he be lighter? Maybe, or he might just carry that weight because his body tells him it is okay. I have never followed him or watched him eat to see if he is making late night trips to Taco Bell and asking for the board.(That's fat drunk guy talk for one of everything. Could do that in the 80's it was cheap. ) So I don't know if he isn't trying to get thinner, he might be. But just can't. It could also be that his body is just okay with where it is at. Just my $.02 from a fat guy.
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