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Everything posted by Bugeaters1

  1. https://redcircle.com/shows/ef904a6c-3c2d-4525-8b8b-aaecd1de628c?_gl=1*xmbk3i*_gcl_au*NDE4MDg4MDM5LjE3MDAwODQ2MTE.*_ga*MTIyMjE4NTAwNC4xNzAwMDg0NjEy*_ga_KVZ47LYJWW*MTcwNDQ2NTI2MC43LjEuMTcwNDQ2NjUyNC4wLjAuMA.. Scroll down to the fifth one on the menu.Fast forward to 3 miinutes for the women talk.
  2. I'll look for it later. Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
  3. Huskers are 2 spots to 27. https://www.warrennolan.com/basketballw/2024/net
  4. I haven't been there in 25 yrs. but it wasn't when I was there, My brother lives in Delaware and we fly into BWI.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10161154086978629&set=a.92503323628
  6. Just a bunch of thugs.
  7. The benchs have been cleared out.
  8. Both benchs are thrown out of the game.
  9. The X has alot of SHIT being thrown out at Nebraska.
  10. Fight in the LSU So. Carolina game. Fans coming on to the court.
  11. In honor of the all black attire.
  12. Here is the +/- for todays game. https://storage.googleapis.com/hawkeyesports-com/2024/03/81249114-neb_iowa_box.pdf
  13. You forgot to include Blunder in that comment. She was throwing her hands up everytime Ioa had the ball and no foul was called. Also the bench players bitched about every no call.
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