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Everything posted by huskerfrank

  1. Kate Cain didn't stay with Delaware after a coaching change and she ended up here........hope the Delaware fans are not wishing her injury.
  2. Being nervous in front of reporters (which she obviously was) and being nervous performing on the court are unrelated, two entirely different things. That said, starting or not is almost meaningless...its about minutes and who is on the court when the game is being decided.
  3. While I don't think immediate lineup changes are coming or necessary, Bria and Kate clearly showed that they deserve big minutes and should be in for crunch time.
  4. ESPN has Brown lower than she should bee too.
  5. Nice article, hope she has a standout career as a Husker.
  6. Jasmine, Maddie, Hannah, Bria, and Taylor all had great games. I realize the posts are not our strongest offensive players, but the ball never goes from the wing into the post. Must be frustrating for them. Great to see transition baskets and 39% from 3 is outstanding.
  7. I don't think it is that they don't want to work, but absolutely agree they don''t want to wait. 4 years goes fast. When players are being recruited the opportunity to play right away may not be promised, but is often implied. If you get mail from a school 4 or 5 times a week for months (think about how much mail that is), wouldn't that make you think that they might want you to play right away? I hear you about having to work for it, but the recruiting process can get complicated and misleading. Also, kids don't want to sit just "because " they are freshman or sophomores.
  8. The transfer epidemic is because schools get 15 women's scholarships, which is a great thing, except there is no way to keep 15 players happy with playing time. You can keep 8 or so happy, so almost 1/2 the team is still unhappy if you use all 15. You would have to tell 1 player per class that we will pay for your education, but you have little chance of playing.......how do you sell that one? Also, I have no problem with having constraints that make sense like you suggest. You certainly should not get to transfer twice, etc. My issue is coaches leaving for greener pastures with seemingly little consideration for their current players.
  9. While the special treatment she is getting is unjustified to say the least, it is a stupid rule for transfers to have to sit out. The rule was originally to discourage transferring, but now with the cost of Grad School that 5th year helps the players get their masters degree while still under scholarship......so it is no longer a real deterrent anyway. If coaches can jump ship without sitting out, players should be able to also.
  10. Hannah W. was outstanding, and Grace and Jasmine each going 5-6 from the line is great. Preliminary concern is that Darrien, Kate, and Rachel split the 40 minutes at the 5 position and had only 6 shots between them, and I would imagine some of those were off offensive rebounds. You gotta throw the ball inside sometimes folks. Total # of assists is fine, but only 3 players having them jumps out.........and please no, we don't want our 5's taking 3's. Have to realize that unless you have Steph Curry, 3's hurt you as frequently as they help you......Iowa St was 7-27...they would have been better off taking less. They shot 46% from 2 and 26% from 3, plus you don't draw fouls shooting 3's, and that is the key to the whole 2 vs 3 thing...very few foul shots when you shoot 3's. Outside of Hannah, we were 4-18 from 3...that's 22%...not so great. 3's are a great weapon, but you can't go 3 crazy. Overall optimistic.
  11. No worries, doctor playing it safe....she could lose the boot and play this afternoon if she had to.
  12. This is impossible without knowing what Coach will do with Hannah and Bria. Is Hannah the point guard or the shooting guard? If Hannah and Bria play together, is Hannah the 2 or does Bria play the 2? Point guard is the one position where it is difficult to split time.....like a football team having 2 quarterbacks, it usually does not work. I think Taylor is a 3 more than a 4, both offensively and defensively. Is Nicea the 2 with Hannah, or the 3 with Bria and Hannah? OK, this still leaves Janay, Jasmine, Maddie, Darrien, and Grace.......not easy. Considering we lost a lot of inside scoring, I would say Rachel, Kate, Hannah, and Nicea with either Bria or Taylor depending on point guard scenario. When we lose 20 something games like last year, we can't be too surprised when the transfers and freshman start and/or play a lot. How many guesses do we get?
  13. I hope you are right. Problem is the only thing an AD (here anyway) can do to improve a team is hire a new coach. Its not like they will decide to put more money in for recruiting, facilities, etc.....that stuff is already top of the line.
  14. Its funny that what is good news for husker fans is bad news for all current husker athletes. You want to play for the coach that recruited you, and obviously a new AD means new coaches all over the place.
  15. Not sure if this is good enough to save the day, but all 4 of the 2018 recruits were at the FB game today.
  16. I wish RB all of the luck and good health in the world, and think she is a wonderful player.......but I also think she is standing on her tippy toes in these photos.
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