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Red Don

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Everything posted by Red Don

  1. I don't know if my Heart can take Two Back-to-Back Knuckle-biters in the same Day!!!
  2. I wish BTN would wise up. We don't want to see a replay of the obvious basket, we should see the replay showing the (non) foul!
  3. I think the Team is showing they Hate Losing!!!
  4. Husker lead: 63-62 ( SHHHS, Don't tell the Zebras)
  5. Clearly a shot clock violation.
  6. Halftime Stats: (2nd half will be ours! ) Indiana leads 46-34 (pending review Indiana last dunk )
  8. Knuckle-Biting Time!!!
  9. Game is turning into a real Heart-Stopper!!!!
  10. Kate is getting Deadly at the Line!
  11. Stats at the end of 3 quarters of Play!!!!
  12. Game is getting interesting. MSU is just too good to keep 'em down. Now let's see how the Husker Ladies respond!!!! GRIT; NO QUIT HUSKER LADIESS!
  13. Here is a link to the WBB twitter account. Some good clips of game action https://twitter.com/huskerswbb
  14. HOLY MOLY!!! HUSKER LADIESS LEAD BY 9 @ THE HALF: 39-30 Halftime Stats:
  15. Michigan State looks discombobulated!! (and frustrated )
  16. I have never seen the Husker Ladiess play with such good Teamwork as Today!
  17. Who ARE these Girls in RED!!!!
  18. Stats at the end of the first Qtr: Huskers Lead by 4.
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