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Everything posted by Bugeaters1

  1. I haven't been following the game. took the wife out to see the plant alignments. Is anyone watching the game?
  2. No issue with the gas Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
  3. I think they are backing off of the no foul play scenario. I guess they found a door unlocked and prescription drugs in the bathroom on the vanity, which that doesn't mean anything, but the gas company said they're there weren't any any issues with the. Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
  4. If it is true that NW didn't want to make them up. Then they should forfeit those games.
  5. Plus Mich tried to pick Gary. That should have been a foul.
  6. We knew it was going to be a clown show. When we saw who the refs were.
  7. Michigan doing the same thing that Meah did. But Meah gets the fouled called on him.
  8. Might as well get used to it. Spring game is going to be a flag football game.
  9. Officials: D.J. Carstensen, Michael Reed, Kelly Pfeifer
  10. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=615387791092202&set=a.157088390255480
  11. They have a team photo every year after the seniors are all announced on their last game Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
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