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Everything posted by TheVault

  1. Kent, I appreciate the enthusiasm and support you have given to our men's basketball program over the years. Similar to the poster above I turn off the radio broadcast to listen to you and Matt's. Thanks for all you do.
  2. Do you have any kids or toddler shirts left. Also I could use a medium if you still have any. I will be in Lincoln on Sunday
  3. I have been waiting for this for so long. I always have told friends and family I would be much more excited for Nebraska Basketball to get back to the level we were at in the 90's more so than football. The fact that the time has finally come is making my work week drag on. I am so excited for the opportunity our team has in front of them. I don't care where we end up in the NCAA Tournament, I will be there.
  4. This basketball game could arguably be the biggest event in Husker Athletics since our devastating loss to Texas in BIG12CG.
  5. cjbowbros- He is doing well. He has to come to Omaha once a month for some very expensive treatment
  6. Long time reader and follower of the board, but just joined. I plan on being a frequent contributor to the board. Like most on here I have been an avid fan of Nebraska Basketball since I was born. I remember going to the games at the Devaney and sitting in the most glorious wooden bleachers anywhere. Favorite moment was easily Jamar Johnson's three in the corner to beat KU. I was 5 at the time and I remember to this day two KU fans standing in front of us and crumbling in tears when that shot went it. Anyways enough of the chatter. I have season tickets up in the 300 level and gave my tickets to the Wisconsin game to my nephew and his mom as he has had to go through a lot with his Crohn's and Celiac Disease over the last couple years. With that being said I am looking for two tickets for my son and I and was wondering where might be the best place to look. I would look before the game but I don't really want to try and scalp tickets with my 5yr old. Thanks in advance. Go Big Red #Nebrasketball
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