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Ok, signed up 3 months ago and weathered new zealand winter and my anticipation to now finally post in support
of the above request. Being from New Zealand and a big fan and follower of Tai I love to see an expert college basketball
view of where Tai is at and what your first impressions are on Friday (for us that will be saturday) of him in all aspects:
technically, how does he stack up to american standards? Is he still behind with his physical play (overall my biggest worry in the beginning)? How is his D? How do his team mates seem to relate to him? Is he firing his shots and/or positioning himself fast enough or is he too slow?
You have no idea how much I would, and currently do, appreciate the writings on this site on Nebraska basketball and the opinions and going on's that go with it. It will take me some time to get to know all Tai's team mates but with your writings and hopefully some video material in the future, I will get to know this team to throw heart and soul behind Nebraska.
Wishing you, jealously, well when going to the scrimmage on friday.
yours sincerely